Feckin' Weather

blimey glad to hear she ok

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Phew! Glad she’s okay.

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Glad she’s fine Dave.

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Glad she’s OK Dave.

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Good news Dave, quite a relief I imagine.

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Christ, what a nightmare. Glad that nobody was hurt though.

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Really good news Dave. Especially after a write off.


Good to hear she’s ok!

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Ford bought the patent when they bought LandRover, I think that’s why?

i thought ford only held the patent on the technology behind the less distracting wiggly lined elements they have in their windscreens.

I am sure quite a few other manufacturers had heated screens implemented differently

AFAIK that’s ran out.

Volvo use it due to an agreement that was part of the sale of the company.

yes i know - “held” as in past, and not “hold” as in present

It’s great when I need to demist en route, or sit in a warm car while the ice melts. Unfortunately, when the sun is at the wrong angle and there is a bit of rain, I can see fuck all out of the windscreen.

Hopefully someone else can manage a better implementation.

I had 2 with Fords HFS back in the 90s, I didn’t experience the problems you describe.

Oh shit! Glad to hear she’s ok…

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Freezing fog here. End of days…glad I purchased that extra tin of baked beans.


-4 here, with a high of 4 degrees predicted, no work today :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

You should take this opportunity to head off for a well-earned holiday…


-8 at Benson overnight although we don’t have the 06:00 and 07:00 readings yet. Should get to 2 this afternoon apparently. Maybe just touch 3 if we’re lucky. Today’s walk might involve more than just a base layer.