Fidelix 0 SideForce Tonearm

looks interesting, Reed 5A?

Have you tried any of the other pivoted linear trackers, like the Schroder LT, or Thales?

Same principle afaict that Frank Schroder was applying with the LT.

Sorry Paul, I didn’t see this post.

I’ve put the box in the attic but from memory it comes with a thin plastic L shaped alignment tool which fits over the spindle. There is a mark on it for the stylus and a line along the long side which the arm tube must be parallel to. The vta adjustment is via a knurled screw which allows the entire arm/bearing assembly to lift away from the heavy base. The arm tube is in 2 pieces so Azimuth adjustment is achieved by rotating the front part via a knurled screw under the arm tube about 2/3 along its length.


An arm you can plonk onto the plinth is an appealing thing.


Right up until you accidentally knock it and then have to resort to checking the spindle to pivot distance. Or worse the paranoia of whether your other half has moved it accidentally and not told you…

Yeah, well there are some potential downsides also :grinning:

Only other arm that I know you can just plonk down is the dynavector 505,though didn’t use it that way when I had one

I didn’t realise you could!

Yes,though wasn’t meant to be used that way,hence the 4 holes on the base plate.

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One on eBay now which looks nice condition but seems a bit highly priced to me, though I’m no expert.

I’m still really drawn towards the DIY style Terminator arm. This would probably suit me. If I was buying right now then I think the Kuzma for sale on here could really suit the deck aesthetically if it would fit (touch and go) and seems like a fantastic arm at a great price.

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About as different an idea from the OP as you can get.

Yeah, I imagine all of these approaches can be good. I’m just looking for something that is interesting, will work and not cost a fortune.

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Ideal for Sandie Shaw.

Pick two :smile:

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If you add “will work without faff”, then Terminator is down to 2 out of 3. The key with it is to use it only on unsuspended decks and, vitally, not to use their pillar for support as it spins out of alignment too easily.


There was a 16" or 17" arm that Tube Guru was selling at one point. Totally wanted it.

Down to one out of three then!


Ok, new search criteria added.

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