For Sale: Pack of 50 Turds

I’ve had a brass splinter in my thumb once and it was really painful, imagine the grief of a stray nugget stuck in your digit!?!?!?!:scream:

I’m liking this a lot. If you leave one of your meaty monsters out in the sun it might turn into the white dog shit we don’t see anymore, once its dry enough you can crumble it over the Yule for that extra special snow effect!!!

Whatever happened to white dogshit?

I swear the world was full of it when I was a lad

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Dogs don’t get fed as much calcium as they used to.

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We used to but in on girls playing hop-scotch and throw the white dog shit on the ground when they weren’t looking. You could hear them screaming for miles when they realised it wasn’t chalk…

Well, it would seem it was at least partly chalk…


Bring back calcium enriched dog food I Say!

I’ll write a strong letter to my MP!

Our dogs have a high calcium food intake as it helps spotting the lawn sausages when someone can be arsed going in to the garden to clean up.


Good thinking, that.

I’ve started to save the dog logs and roll them in glitter as a festive decoration. Perhaps a high calcium diet would give the appearance of a decorated snow laden log, rather than the chocolate coloured standard.

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I could send you a box of cat turds coated in cat litter if you want some variety. They look a bit like a Rowntree Nutty bar, that peanut coated fudge bar…

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Wow, that’s great. Is multi-coloured cat litter available ?

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