Help me buy a gas BBQ

(AKA bitch and moan about gas BBQ’s)

We’re getting a gasgrill.

It won’t replace our kettle, we’ll be keeping that for smoking and the like, but it’s narrowed down to:

Weber Genesis II 310 or410 / Napoleon Rogue 425 / Napoleon LE 485 ($$$) / Char Broil Platinum 4400

Anyone have any knowledge of these and / or advice* ??


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Surely not???

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Check out these guys

Good service and support. Used their equipment for years.



I’ve got the genesis 2 410.

Love it. So simple my wife has bbq when I am at work! Well built and a doddle to use. Quick too.
It’s not charcoal but it is great for spontaneous cooking and big gatherings.
We can come home and just spark up and cook which means it’s used a lot more than a fire.

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I have a Broil King 340. It has 3 burners and a side burner.
Made in N America, pre drilled holes not perfectly positioned, quite difficult to assemble without decent tools then. Average quality like most N America products.
Don’t BBQ too often, skipped last season.

However, I have the feeling a slightly wider grill would be nice (4 burners).
So you can cook meat and veggies at the same time.
You might ask yourself whether you need a side burner. I thought for keeping the sauce warm (I like sateh sauce). In hindsight a rechaud with a candle will do the job just as good.
Don’t forget to check prices of the accessoiries. The hood cover from Weber is imo redicuously priced. More expensive than bling cables.
Just some thoughts, anyway whatever choice, it’s all fun and joy :slight_smile:

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another vote for Outback here. Ours served us well until we decided to return to a charcoal BBQ - haven’t used the gas one for over a year…

Thanks for the replies, chaps.

Outback not an option as I’m in Denmark, but thanks for the heads up nonetheless

Im also wary @68rednose of US build quality, however, the CharBroil is a rebadged Sabre which istop top end in the US.

Napoleon is Canadian, and they always seem really nice people so I’m so they much better at manufacturing than their knuckle dragging cousins to the south of the border. Build a wall, I say.

PS @loo thanks for the pics, that gave me a belly laugh