Hey there

how much glue?

You missed the assault course. I seem to remember, there was drink involved, that a plumber had been dispatched to fix a leak the night before. He and I retired to the pub.

[quote=ā€œValvebloke, post:243, topic:5691, full:trueā€]

More recently there have been weekenders at Lopwell Barn on the Devon/Cornwall border and at Hornby Laithe Barn close to the Yorks/Lancs border. There are photos of some of us in the respective threads e.g.

No-one died and hardly anyone was injured.


VB is bottom of wrong way ascent, behind @SAP7 and @murrayjohnson, RHS - before he sensibly took the easier route up the LHS
I have something else in mind for 2019ā€¦:grinning:

First AA ascent of Nanga Parbat in wellies, first naked ascent of Annapurna?

Hmmm, welliesā€¦ thinksā€¦

Iā€™ve just realised, Settle 2019 is the weekend of my 50th birthdayā€¦ :scream:

You had better make a fuss of me, you cunts.

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There did seem to be a nice circular waterfalls walk to the NW of where the barn is. Iā€™d need to look it up again.

Well weā€™ll certainly make a cunt of you, whilst not being fussy.

Will that do?


(Donā€™t) worry, weā€™ll think of somethingā€¦

Senile old cunt

I can make a cunt of myself, I donā€™t require any assistance. As for being fussy, that is a luxury that all of us on here has lost a long, long time agoā€¦

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Me too. Itā€™s my 66th. So last year was my 65th and none of you cunts noticed.

I might not have mentioned it though tbh.

Iā€™ll bring cake!


Excellent. Iā€™ll try not to ruin the curry this time.

Was sworn to secrecy. :zipper_mouth_face:


You should make a cake, with one of your own favourite ingredients (not just tea or honey, obvsā€¦, something, erm, herbal?)

Actually, I reckon a tea/honey Mary Jane cake could be awesome, if done rightā€¦

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Mary Anne cake is good too. Pretty sure these lads know a thing or two about it:

Glastonbury 1990, African Head Charge, and lots of space cake. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: