Lord Boots trys this. Thankfully only when amplifier is switched off!
Looks like he might have just sat on a hot valve!
He was a bit pissed off at having his naptime interrupted by a lumbering oaf pointing a camera at him!
… while shouting 'wake up, ya cunt ’
Another friend decided to pop in today! He’s likes it because he can come and go as he pleases. Seems to enjoy music too; it was new to him the first time he visited!
Felicette, the French space cat . . .
Thank you for your participation in my success of 18 October 1963
Needs Peel gif
She finally received a fitting monument in 2019 at the International Space University in Strasbourg.
A bronze of her perched atop a globe gazing towards the stars, it was financed by a kickstarter campaign
Lord Boots is at his other residence next door, however I have a Ginger MK2 visiting. He was a little unsettled, but For the Roses and now Court and Spark have calmed him down.
Both seem to enjoy Joni’s music…
I was asking myself why do breeders do this?
The answer is because there is a market.
But why does a market exist?
If anyone loved cats why would they support this?
That’s like some kind of Star Wars prop creature.
Poor creatures. Some people really are vile.
Unbelievable cruelty.
Bawbag cat