If I was in charge

Three Yorkshire puddings as a starter for every roast.

Like tonight :grinning: With Pork and crackling.

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That’s right, all of you gang up on the feckin’ new boy. Just like the good old Wam days.

Bulliies, the feckin’ lot of ya.


Gee thanks :smiley:

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Did you neglect to change the bongwater recently? Minor cranial trauma?

Oi, I resemble that remark !

Don’t worry, Scotch Brian will be along soon. He was always the best fighter of lost causes :grinning:


Their “Accident and Emergency” EP was a classic.

32 tracks and a total running time of 11 minutes.


Not prog then…

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That was Bongwater, whose first LP was album of the year from 1968-78 in @MGOwner’s house as it took a decade to play it.

If I was in charge…

People that hunt animals for the joy of hurting them would be put live into industrial chippers and fed to foxes, badgers etc.

Nobody would leave school until they could do proper sums, wire a plug without needing pictures, cook their own fucking tea, spell and have a functional grasp of grammar, and a comprehensive understanding of why politics are a crock of utterly fucked-up shit that requires bloody revolution and heads up on poles.

Oh yeah - and lots of political heads up on poles :+1:


I would make it perfectly acceptable to shoot people who use mobile phones hands free whilst driving.

I would direct the whole of the UK R&D funding to developing hover boards.

Ensure that everyone knows what “logging out” actually means.

Sliding fucking doors, it’s about time, with the added bonus that the terminally unemployable can at last have a job.


Mandatory growlers
A shit load of screening / examinations / psychological review requirements before anyone can become an MP
2:30-3:30 daily Siesta
Fact Police with powers to shame / strip assets
Chain gangs / Keel hauling
Invade Funzie

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Steady on there. You do know that defences are in place and invaders are… **

** I’ve already said too much, shhh.

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The last time you were invaded they built a fucking wall, blood line to Trump?

Which wall would that be, Bob?

I would expell people with delusional minds, to an island off the coast of Barrow in Furness where they will have a life of perpetual anal torture performed by my best clones.


That’s grossly unfair; you’re just being mental health’ist.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

A mentally pure society is a successful society.

Every day would be the first day of spring

fixt :+1: