Knives and Sharpening

I have two of these and they’re great. Cheap ones, sharpened regularly and go in the dishwasher daily. Fuck knife faff :blush:

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Same here, exactly the same spot too.

I can swap you them for a Stanley knife if you wish :grinning:

Three-piece or corner?

The joys of predictive text on an IPhone 4s Olan :grinning:

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The more recent Global GF series are fully drop forged one piece blades with the tang running straight through the handle ergo no weld point.

Personally, my money would go here:

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They look quite flash

I’ve got one from that line and it’s lovely

This thread reminded me I “need” one of these:
Now on its way, plus some replacement spatulas and a new dishwasher-friendly santoku to try because of orange reasons:
…nice closely-spaced dimples…

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Victorinox make excellent gear. It’s not glamorous, but there’s a reason you so often find them being widely used in professional kitchens.


Arrived this AM -

I :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: this machine.

I can actually cut things again.

The Victorinox is exactly what I hoped it would be: lighter, slimmer bladed, more ergonomic handle, much more wieldy overall compared with the thick, heavy, clumsy “Pro-Cook” stuff. You were right Jon - a bit of a gem.


Tokiro DP range hard to beat for the $$$

A utility knife, and a chefs knife should see you through 99% of jobs

Get a victorianox bread knife

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Personally, I’d say get their pastry knife instead. It’s still a serrated knife, but has a curved end which doesn’t catch in the same way as a normal bread knife.


Fair point - either way, not worth chucking $$$ at

No, definitely not. You need to be seriously obsessed with having a matching set to spend more than the Victorinox on a breadknife. And if my OCD can cope, then I suspect most other people’s can!


Sadly, I bought this before I got my OCD under control…

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I really want one of those. :heart_eyes:

I do see some more Victorinox stuff in my future, it’s just so damn wieldy! :orange_heart: