you drew first blood
If you want cheap, Stu. PM me your address and I’ll send you a couple.
Nowt flash, but they will be pretty decent, sharp and sort you for kitchen duties.
That you and @Mrs_Maureen_OPinion is wanted know
Is that some sort of code?
There maybe some drink involved
There’s a lot to say about Japanese knives.
In any case, there are different geometries possible, depending on the use of the knives or the way it is built up.
Since pics say more than words, linky below.
Might help to translate completely in your browser:
Bit of a stretch to get this O/T - but there are sharp, cutty bits inside…
I’m no fan of mechanical cooking aids, and mostly use a pestle-and-mortar, but I do often use a Krups coffee mill to quickly process very hard whole spices and other dried ingredients - one like this:
The clear top is fragile and shit, has multiple splits, and is now literally falling to bits, one of which showed-up in my curry yesterday…
So I’m looking for a replacement electric coffee mill or similar, prefer something compact - full-sized blenders/food processors are too big, and IME shit with spices etc. But it needs to be robust, too - I’ll pay what it takes, within reason.
Any thoughts?
pricey but worth every penny - comes with three pots and lids so you can prepare different stuff
if mine broke (I doubt it will) id buy another
Oooh. Good shout, could be JUST the thing. Ta
I use something similar to that but sometimes think I should change to a cheap burr grinder ( like my coffee one) as by the time it’s fine enough it is warming it up and loosing aroma.
I was watching Masterchef the other night and Monica Galetti was demoing a skills test.
She looked to be using one of these
Personally I don’t obsess over this, there’s not a lot of point - you never know how fresh spices are when you first get them, and plenty of them are improved for being more-or-less lightly toasted to drive-off some of their inherent harshness or acridity (e.g. carom / ajwain). Matter of taste, of course, but also plenty of us are too old to readily distinguish such subtleties… well, I speak for myself. …
pulse the grinder to not warm the spices up, it’ll take longer but the results are good
I was just airing a thought I had about blade grinders, I suspect some ‘rules’ that work for coffee work for spices.
Having said that , I am still using a blade grinder that is many years old so blunt.
you are possibly right with regard to heating but much more crucial with coffee.
If you want a good even extraction the coffee grinds need to be uniform…typically impossible with a blade grinder.
In fact a blade grinder is probably more likely to grind to a fine powder, which a normal burr grinder wouldn’t. (unless of course you have an EK43 with Turkish/spice burrs).
Fuck-off to covfefe thread KTHXBYE.