Lopwell Apparel Fundraiser

To mark the ‘Meating of the minds’ at Lopwell I thought it might be good for a little fundraising…

Here we have the unofficial Lopwell Apparel:

Sizes and availability
Sold out XL Black
Sold Out L Black
Sold out XL White
Sold Out L White

Graeme x1 L Black *
Progman x1 L Black *
Richie x1 L White
Stu 2 x XL Black *
browellm 1x L Black *
Bob C x1 XL Black
Guy 1x XL white *
Paul XL Black *
crimsondonkey x1 L White *

All profits go back to AA. First Come First Pleasured. Yes the pictures are shit

They cost £7.50 each. The cost via Pay Pal Gift is £12

No postage - Collection at Lopwell unless you want to pay more.


Go on then. Put me down for a L Black. Do you want to PM me your Paypal address.


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I would like the same badge on a cape please.


No problem £400 via Pay Pal

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No extra small ones?

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Do you want to do that midriff look again?

Yes,after that summer of 76 look,but with added gut

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I remember


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I was hoping for the more militant artwork of stronzetto??

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Large Black please.

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PM to follow

Large white please Matt. :+1:

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XL Black please

Does it say cunt on the back?

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Awkward cunt made happier with his cuntishness if you can…

Cool £300

I’ve just swapped my usely once George foreman grill for an AN SUT 9, how about I give you that as downpayment ?

Ok, if it helps. I would need it here before close of business though as the shirts are selling out

Sorry can’t do, why is life so hard

I have no idea what’s happening. Sign me up for 1 x L Black.