More shit that doesn't merit its own thread (septic tank overflow alert)

There’s potatoes and then there’s potatoes

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'kinnel and we have a special relationship with America. First of all Trump said that Johnson was like him and now this. America is so special.

Is this not exactly what QAnon have been alleging for years? This mad cunt is not even original.

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I’ve seen quite a bit on Greg Locke. Absolutely none of it positive.

I’m guessing all the dead children were taken out when trump was in power, or he would have noticed them when he legged it to the bunker.

Don’t they have defamation or libel laws in the US? Are you allowed to just call someone (Your commander in chief?!) a paedophile with no evidence and not get in any trouble?

Good old fashioned tent preacher, they’ve been at it for a hundred years and will be for another hundred. Rural poverty, religion, politics and substantial sums of money to be made, a recipe exploited by con artist preachers since forever.

As for libel, why bother? You would be up against several constitutional issues and a defendant that would just declare themselves bankrupt while turning their flock (millions) against you.

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I suspect it’s quite complicated because of the 1st Amendment. It doesn’t give a carte blanche for anyone to say anything, but it does specifically say that the government cannot infringe on free speech. Where you then differentiate between the President and the person holding the office I do not know.


Whenever there is an emergency in your area such as floods, explosions, fire, terrorist incidents or public health crisis the Government or Emergency Services will send out an alert via a broadcast through mobile phone masts resulting in a message being sent to your phone unless it is switched off or in aeroplane mode.

There is a test for this new system taking place on Tue 29th June 2021 and depending on your area you may receive an alert.

If you receive the alert your phone may do any of the following things;

  • Make a loud siren like noise (even if it is on silent)
  • Vibrate
  • Read out the alert

Unless you ‘Opt out’ then you will automatically be ‘Opted in’.

Slightly concerned now that eBay has sussed me as a prog fanatic.


This is pretty clever



Obvious question - why/how did you find this? (I was going to say come across this, but given the subject matter…)

Quelle ferking surpreese…

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23 posts were merged into an existing topic: Feckin’ Weather

A post was merged into an existing topic: Obituaries

A post was merged into an existing topic: Feckin’ Weather

Let’s try creating some threads or being arsed enough to put posts in the right place to begin with.