More shit that doesn't merit its own thread (septic tank overflow alert)

Polishing things flat is the easiest challenge (but still not trivial, as you can see). Polishing things to a spherical curve is still possible for people who don’t devote their working lives to it. Amateur astronomers can polish their own telescope mirrors, for example, although the bigger they get and the better the ‘figure’ you want, the harder it becomes. The really tough thing is polishing aspheres. We used to buy high-quality (of order lambda/10), relatively large (>100mm diameter) off-axis paraboloids quite often. They cost thousands for smallish diameter, largeish f-number ones and tens of thousands as they got bigger and the f-number got smaller. I once bought an f/3 off-axis ellipsoid, 125mm dia, and that was £15k back in the 1990’s. The polishers need a constant temperature, extremely low vibration environment to do the interferometry, which is the only way they have of knowing when the optic is good enough. Our favourite polishers were and, it seems, still are based in a set of disused mining tunnels in the chalk near Kenley



Used to walk past that place most days as a child. Always wondered what they were doing in the old mine.

Keeping as still as possible and trying not to warm the place up significantly. I don’t think they encourage visitors.

Cheerybye fuck face. Enjoy the ‘camaraderie’ in chokie with your new friends who will be only too keen to embrace you with a warm welcome.


Honestly somewhat surprised he got that long given how easy police officers seem to get off in the USA.

I’ll wait until the final appeal is dismissed before thinking much about the length of the sentence. I doubt we’ve heard the last of this process.

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Lots of far right types inside who will probably make him a celebrity.

They’ll have their hands full keeping him in one piece. He is not going to be Mr Popular given his former profession. Sadly, if somebody kills him he’ll be a martyr for the far-right and hard of thinking. This might just suit them too.

Regardless (or should that be irregardless :thinking:), he will be dead within weeks.

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He’ll be released in 10 years or so, which TBF is a long time in any view. I hope he stays alive and comes out a better person.

I’m not entirely sure that any sentence over 10 yrs can reform someone.

This made me smile


Now that’s the kind of thing you really want to hear in these fetid times :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

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I was beginning to suspect that the wheels were about to fall off my impending speaker purchase, although I couldn’t really see why given how it had previously been going.

Anyhow it turns out that there is a perfectly innocent explanation and I should be sorted soon(ish) :+1:


Seems a sensible bloke

Every village has one but the worrying thing is that the rest of the villagers seem to have turned out to listen to him.

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There’s potatoes and then there’s potatoes

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'kinnel and we have a special relationship with America. First of all Trump said that Johnson was like him and now this. America is so special.

Is this not exactly what QAnon have been alleging for years? This mad cunt is not even original.

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I’ve seen quite a bit on Greg Locke. Absolutely none of it positive.

I’m guessing all the dead children were taken out when trump was in power, or he would have noticed them when he legged it to the bunker.