Repair help suggestions sought

It might be worth doing a few minutes’ online research to see if you can find out what it’s made from (maybe injection-moulded polystyrene, or PVC, or acrylic ?). The way it’s disintegrated looks like it might have been embrittled by age and/or exposure to sunlight. Some plastics can be affected by solvents in fillers.

If it was worth really serious money then the best advice would usually be to sell it, just as it is, to a specialist restorer rather than risk doing anything irreversibly bad to it. But if you want to keep it, or reckon it’s not worth a great deal in any case, then a DIY fix might well be fine. I assume any light inside wouldn’t reach down the arm to the hand. If it would then it would back-light any repair which would reveal it in all its subtlety or otherwise.

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Please take it to these people with your flies undone and tell them it survived for 50 years before you got your hands on then it all went wrong. When they’ve restored it and you’ve made TV gold, drop it again on the way out the door.


But you do need a bolt-on sob story to be in the running for that lot…

…perhaps summat about being bullied for years on a forum…?

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That’s the spirit :+1:

Phase 1 :open_mouth:


Be careful with the repair, you don’t want it going full Peter Gabriel on you

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That brings back memories, Newcastle City Hall 1975

Feeling old!


Useful template?

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Too small :pensive:

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Before antibiotics by the look of it.

Nearly there, quite pleased and it was easier than I expected. I think the epoxy putty is brilliant, I can see it being used again.


Slightly disappointing when you could have gone for something like this


Call that bullied :rofl::rofl:

…just wait until he mis-measures a garage.


Were you a double glazing “surveyor” in a previous life? :joy:

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Are you going to paint it or leave him with MJ’s glove?


My all-time favourite misheard lyric: Robert Palmer’s song about MJ, “You’re going to have to face it, you’re a dick with a glove”.