Stuff that is against the laws of physics

I’d love to think so, doesn’t seem likely tho… :frowning:

Surely if you get close to the speed of light in the opposite direction to the Earth’s rotation ?

In my head that’ll work :+1:

You’ve clearly confused a Superman film with reality :crazy_face:


Proof that Listening to prog destroys brain cells.


I confess I don’t understand it well enough to judge the likelihood.

I think of it as a bit like judging the likelihood of there being intelligent life elsewhere. The Drake Equation breaks the things we don’t know down into a tidy sequence and there seems to be a feeling that this moves us forward in the process of generating an answer. But it seems to me it’s a bit like trying to cross a canyon. Drake allows us to take few steps closer to the edge, but that’s not the same as getting to the other side.

The (apparent) absence of people from the future, the fact that obviously bad things (e.g. the holocaust) don’t seem to have been prevented, the difficulty with the killing-your-grandfather paradox etc all suggest, perhaps, that time-travel to the past isn’t trivial or, perhaps, unconstrained. But I still can’t tell whether it’s possible or not.


The evolution of life is at least precedented, and often the biggest block to accepting its possibility is humanity’s almost instinctual-level anthropocentricity.

Time travel is far beyond me to make informed comment upon, I’m not even entirely convinced that time is much more than a convenient way that sentience simplifies existence into something linear we can cope with. It’s an odd thing - we can crudely measure it, but it doesn’t seem to fit into unified theory stuff or anything much else - intangible but inexorable, and seemingly perturbable: gravitational time dilation does seem a very interesting phenomenon, especially as we’re beginning to understand gravity itself better…

Well, at least somebody caught what I was alluding to.


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Got the reference / missed the point.

About as good as you can expect on here…

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The manoeuvre at just over 5 mins from a loop and then it kind of stops with the nose vertical.

Can’t stop watching these now.


You need a list Pete:

  1. Strayan :white_check_mark:
  2. Drummer :white_check_mark:
  3. Cloudy Beer :white_check_mark:
  4. Mind altering substances :white_check_mark:
  5. The Prog :white_check_mark:
  6. etc etc etc.

The prog needs to be much higher up that list :laughing:

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Shhhhh Wayne. I’m worried I’ve upset him.I posted it hours ago and he hasn’t called me a cunt yet…

Oh well, never mind.

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Check out the Kulbit manouevre at 4:00 :open_mouth: