Yes, I know , but as an ex local admin on freecycle I didn’t really want to go there.
Offered surplus to requirements fridge freezer & 32" flat screen telly on the local “pass it on” (for free ) groups.
Loads of “is this still available?” responses, to all of which I politely replied yes.
Not one sniff, follow up, no ta, “thanks, I’ll get back to you” response to my timely communications …
I should really know better, but trying to be environmentally friendly & community minded these days is obviously overrated!
Looks like I’m taking a “trip to the skip” on Friday!
Both valid suggestions, but I don’t have the means to get said items down a flight of stairs, hence my reliance on willing recipients to do the humping?
Retrospective punch in the nads to me for thinking giving shit away for free was a good idea!
Dementia can take a massive punt. It gradually took my Mum’s mind, and now that she’s gone for good (Tuesday) it feels like losing her for the second time - although there’s also some sense of relief since she really didn’t want to end up where she eventually did. An odd feeling really…
As many on here know already, it’s a horrible insidious disease, but at least research continues and there are a few things emerging that can help to hold it off for a while. Both Mrs H and I have a history of it on one side of each family, so we’re actively looking at how to stay mentally sound for as long as possible…
So sorry to hear your news Nick.
I went through exactly this with my Dad and understand the complex emotions you go through as the disease gradually takes away the person you love, Even then when you think you are prepared for the inevitable you are still losing a parent and that has its own emotional issues.