The all-new shiny cockpunch thread (Part 1)

The wife’s family WhatsApp is having a field day with this

and apparently Hilary Benn looked like a rabbit caught in the headlights with “WTAF is this?”

In particular this guy

is one village up from MiL.

In the past we’ve always gone over and whisked MiL away, usually to here

Highly recommended BTW, it’s the only place I’ve encountered that has a “wee G&T guy” who seems to go around asking people if they’d like a G&T. And the number of NI accents there suggested that it’s something a lot of people do.

However with her mobility issues these days it’s out of the question so at least SiL #1 and niece #2 have gone over to keep her out of trouble.


Last paragraph (in particular):

Giles. Sigh.

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If I hear one more chavvy cunt screaming “it’s coming home” on the TV or radio I’m hosing the fucking country down with a flamethrower.


Surprise, surprise. Elitist, self important tosser doubles down on the fact he’s an elitist self important tosser.
God forbid the house should be made up of people who have similar backgrounds to the people they are supposed to represent. We need led by people who have little concept of the struggles the vast majority of the population face.
Fcking wanker.


Giles. Izzat the plural of Gilet?

Quick fact: state school kids at Oxbridge on average get better results so less toffs and more of us would make things better.


Who will speak in complete, grammatically correct sentences with clearly enunciated vowels of the sort that kings and queens have uttered for a thousand years …

From 1066 onwards for a few hundred years those kings (almost entirely) would have been speaking Norman French, Giles, and William the Conqueror, to name but one, was what my mother might have called ‘not a very nice boy’. I wouldn’t be surprised if his speech could be quite rough.

ISWYDT :wink:.

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I did maths. Less is the properly defined term for an ordered field so has the double advantage of being technically correct and annoying people like Giles Coren.

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I didn’t do maths (although for a few years I did try to help teach the dirtier end of it to undergraduates, the poor sods). In terms of toffs being an ordered field I accept that there is pictorial evidence for that :grin:


One might say you taught calculation more than maths…


I did applied linguistics. Toffs are countable, therefore fewer.
The only way they can be uncountable (less) is if you put them in a blender :thinking::grin:


One might indeed. But the university called the exam papers maths.




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unaccountable usually


Fuck me, that peice could be ripped up by a five year old. Thought Giles was better than this.

Surprised he has the gall to align himself with the quality. Wasn’t his father some sort of journalistic scribbler? Certainly no connection with the Shropshire Corens.

Am I alone in not having a clue what ‘football’s coming home’ actually means?