The Monarchy (now mostly about money)

The notion one should pledge allegiance to someone based on checks note which vagina they came out of, is fucking insane.


We were only one death away from King Nonce.


Surely that is wrong? Be nice to have King Ginger and Queen American Chick though.

EDIT: Oh maybe 25 years ago.


Naw. We should lock this thread too and just ignore the fucking royal circus.

I changed it to were, :). Right up to the point where Charlie boy had a sprog.

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I have and kind of still do work in that environment. Mental amounts of pressure in my last job around making clothes for ā€˜themā€™. A chain of command leading to the top, with little idea of what I do, desperate to control it. Precisely because of ā€˜the gongā€™. Hideous. Itā€™s exactly why I resigned in 2019 and why they paid me to stay. The fact that my best customer fucked off to California with his missus probably had an effect on my eventual redundancyā€¦

However, being very honest, I would love to make clothes for any one of them now because historically thatā€™s the pinnacle and just a suggestion that you do makes a huge difference to how you are perceived by people that can afford it. Especially in the US.

Iā€™m conflicted because Iā€™m not a fan at all but I have to say, being around them and their world is fascinating and an amazing experience.


I donā€™t think thereā€™s any mental conflict between not wanting a monarchy, and making the most of what you can whilst they are still here.

Iā€™m not mad keen on a few bits that some of my clients have done, either their specific areas, or just general vast accumulation of wealth, but thereā€™s bugger all I can do realistically to change the system that allows that stuff, so I might as well make the most of charging like a wounded rhino for services.


Exactly. No matter if half the country, on grounds of principle, wishes them gone, as long as a few tens of millions in the (dis)United Kingdom (clue in name) and a billion or two the world over are absolutely fascinated by them they will generate a huge amount of commercial business. The loss of that would be a big price to pay for those who benefit from it.

Iā€™ll swear right enough, but not allegiance.


This appears apt.

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I canā€™t truck with elitism or the alternatives. I doubt a grand pooh-bar of the kingdom would be a great improvement. I can think of only one man perfectly suited to the Job

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Is that Wayne? I canā€™t tell because the milky white thighs are out of shot.



Wayne is the Great Poo-Bar?

Probably better than his current forum nickname :grinning:

Theyā€™ve got it right at Celtic.


But not as accurate :smile:


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Harsh, but i chuckled.


Fucking hope soā€¦