Not quite, but it does fit here i feel.
I even tagged it as /Viz to help. No dice.
You were too kind, id have omitted the /viz for the maximum dumb look.
But i guess Viz don’t export to Stockholm so a moot point in this example.
If any of you have teenage sons, now’s the time to hide your credit cards…
somebody landed a building in the wrong space…
You could do with some better material-isation!
It is quite amusing to see this government being shown up simultaneously as both an incompetent shambles and as a sack of poisonous snakes.
Interesting news today about the increase in life expectancy having stalled in the UK since 2010 & the introduction of austerity measures here. The first time this has happened in over 100 years.
They need to stay in office until people realise (again) just how damaging they & their policies are. Unfortunately it’ll take a little while longer as many of their supporters are, like David Davis, ‘as thick as mince.’
Surprised the bloke didn’t use his advanced knowledge of statistics, cause and effect to blame the government for this too:
Cases of dementia and Alzheimer’s have been rising so rapidly that they are now the leading cause of death for both sexes, among women 80 and over and men 85+.
He definitely missed a trick there. Daily Mailesque article.
Author needs to properly differentiate between correlation and causality.
Seven posts too late