The shit that doesn't merit its own thread (the resurrection)


Ask them if they’d be interested in reviewing the performance of your nob?

Very strange. The smell of paying for a favorable review will always linger, regardless of the motivation of either reviewer or manufacturer. If a print magazine did this its reputation would be in tatters in my eyes. I wonder if other online review sites follow a similar policy.

You just don’t get it do you? These are trusted forum members and experienced audiophiles writing these reviews.


Meh. Nothing to see here. Move on please :poop:

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Jesus,how sad

Being perturbed about what Wigwam is up to these days is tantamount to stalking an ex. Get the fuck over it or go back on bended knee, I don’t care, just don’t bring it here. Ta.


I agree, although the gentle schadenfreude of finding out that my ex got divorced was surely not that evil? Gentle pointing and laughing should be OK, I think, while obsessing and long threads discussing things is clearly unhealthy.

Mmmmm . . . chocolate.

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I was going to reply with the following, but you are right. Getting the fuck over it means accepting that the whole edifice is rot, I wasn’t quite there, I am now.

"Depends what you think Wigwam is these days. The forum element is but one part of the business. A Review Section is something else all together. If someone had said that 6 Moons or one the the HiFi mags were charging for reviews it would be fair game on here.

What Wigwam does with its forum or Ad revenue streams isn’t something that interests me in the slightest, but when someone charges for reviews and publishes them minus that fact , call me old fashioned, but I think that’s newsworthy, regardless of who they are."


It appears that it just can’t be helped

Or don’t preferably…

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That looks fun though. not as much fun as going to the gym mind,

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Mr MWS might just explode when he sees this. Stronzetto is probably already receiving CPR


Cock punches repeatedly???
