The shit that doesn't merit its own thread (the resurrection)

Nobody with an opinion worth listening to. God why won’t he just shut the fuck up? :rage:


Pasty legged fuck.

No offence.

But those legs cause some.

Just sayin’


True, but still doesn’t alter the fact that:

a. Danny Baker is a talking shit biscuit
b. You’re a frustrated little luvvie pining aspiring to have pretensions

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I have to wear joggers when going out running for fear of blinding people with the white light from my legs.

You could x-ray them with a 40 watt bulb. :slight_smile:

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Looking good for the classical music AAAC then. I can see the “philistines” line from the bake off Walton coming out again…

If I was in your neck of the woods I think I’d fancy this (When that I was and a little tiny boy …)

Garden shows can look fantastic if the weather co-operates and am I right in thinking Belsay has an indoor alternative if things turn out rainy ?


Yes Belsay Hall is a great venue. Have been a few times previously.

Buggered if I can remember what we saw. A touch refreshed.

I’ll bet you’ve got a few thespian films you dirty little fecker…:+1:

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Why are you typing with a lithp?


Becauth his fingerth are thore


Farmerth cauthing him to type through gritted teeth???


His ath grapeths?

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I lolled. However I have also had about 1/4 bottle of Eagle Rare.

Or a different continent.

He’s ok in small doses