Have got a hankling to try a 45 amp with the M7 (when it comes out of lockdown hell)
Was looking at the Yamamoto A-08s 45 power amp so has anyone heard one?
Am I being too optimistic that a 45 amp will work with the Direkts, they are 95dB and appear to be quite an easy drive with the border patrol though?
10 May 2020 14:03
At 2Wpc I think you will be struggling
A friend of mine has the Yamamoto with Emission Labs 45’s, he also owns a Border Patrol SE300B and a David Wright 45 amp as well, he says he prefers the Yamamoto to both of them, he uses Lowthers in DIY cabs.
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45 will give you approx 1.6 to 1.8 watts, 2 Watts max if you screw it hard
2 way Direkt is about 92 dB per watt based on measurements on hifitest.de
Bugger, will give it a miss if they’re only 92dB
Use it as an excuse to buy massive horns.
Are you selling one? I’ve got loads of money at the moment as I was saving for an audio note step up but the bloke decided not to sell it in the end.
I got a pm today asking me if I’d sell the S9.
I thought that was not sold long ago? You still got it then or did you not buy it back?
I asked for dibs on not buying that ages ago so tell him to join the queue.
He seemed like a nice guy