World War 3

I know you know that worked only because German supply lines were shite. Someone needs to tell the Russian generals that Ukraine has an actual land border with its allies for said supplies.

Let’s just hope he doesn’t reach for the tactical nukes.

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The next refugee crisis could well be hundreds of thousands of poor Russian conscripts marooned in Ukraine.

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Was just using it as an example of the way Putin thinks, we all know it’s stupid but that loon still harks back to the good old USSR

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Can you imagine if they all instantly just gave up and defected! (it won’t happen because Putin would just murder their families back home)

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Last time they did that they had a revolution😁

That’s why they don’t give them working guns.


Perhaps everyone should start calling him Tsar Putin the First to invoke revolutionary ideas :slight_smile:

Send leaders to war, that will focus their fucking minds.

We stopped doing that after Dick lost his head in a Leicester car park. We should bring it back and put the PM at the front.

Expand it to recent PMs and we could form a front line

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Never-say-“never”: one of Z’s major problems has been sticking generals in the line-of-fire…

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That’s quite hard as they fall from a window… impressive shooting!

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Our Navy had it’s own men shoot ineffectual Admirals, we used to be right cunts.

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used to be???

I, too, pine for those more-enlightened times… Fragging is an ancient and honourable tradition, and one it seems that is not unknown in RU (disturbing content)

One of the (many) reasons why this process seems to be so haphazard is that moving the conscripts by train (far more efficient than bus) would pull them all through Moscow as the Russian rail network is absurdly centralised. It appears that the powers that be are very keen not to have that happen. Complete and total faith in the quality and motivation of the troops :skull:.

Looks like the Russians have blown up the gas pipework for Nordstream in the Baltic.

Those pesky Swedish and their seismographs :+1:

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I wonder at what point an attack on infrastructure is considered an attack on the country depending on it? Does stopping the supply of gas to somewhere constitute an attack regardless of location?

Definitely no UK subs in that area at the time, no siree, definitely not.

they switched the supply off back in august

This is what I understood too. This being the case, what the fuck is this?