Ye olde worlde hi fi corner shoppe

Suitable for music or light welding jobs :joy:


I had a P35 mk2 for a number of years, remains one of my favourite amps of all time - and very far from P&S, at least with the pre and speakers I had at the time. Pair it wrongly and I guess anythingā€™s possible, itā€™s was only 30wpc.

Wilsons do need a lot of current to wake them up - valves donā€™t seem a natural partner, so not surprised it was underwhelming, especially compared to what you were accustomed to at home, even back then.


If it still fits then not everything has fallen! :grinning:

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I remember going to a Quad demo at Whittlebury quite a few years ago, the theme of which was roughly ā€œOur current large ESLs can hold their own against high-performance cone speakersā€. The reference cone set was a pair of PMC pro studio monitors (MB2S or some such) and they gave a good account of themselves. The big flat Quads were indeed competitive, albeit with a very different character. Talking to the demonstrator afterwards (I think it might have been Peter Comeau) I noticed that there were a pair of Quad II-80s (nominal 80W/ch from four KT88s in each monoblock) hiding behind the scenery. They werenā€™t driving the speaks though. Apparently heā€™d brought them hoping to use them but they just werenā€™t man enough in what was a pretty large meeting room full of sound-absorbing people. So heā€™d borrowed a Krell from someone :slight_smile: .

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Ah - thanks - thought that mightā€™ve been my ignorance added to the ā€˜TC Rd in the 80sā€™ mania for ever-bigger amps. Our ā€˜bestā€™ at the time was a MF A370, which I remember liking when you ran it with their battleship MVX pre, usually driving Magneplanar MG-3s or Kef 104/2s. The A370 ran pretty hot, and had to go back for repairs a couple of times. ISTR MF fielded an even bigger amp just before I left - SA470? Happy days.

Edit: with hindsight we probably never did the Beards justice in terms of matching; didnā€™t really know anything about valves and just plugged them into whatever roughly-in-their-price-range system we were demoing :clown_face:

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To be fair, itā€™s all a matter of opinion anyway - I like the sound I got from the Beard, Iā€™ve no doubt many would run a mile!

I believe the MF A370 is still pretty sought-after - definitely one of their better efforts (usual reliability ā€˜quirksā€™ notwithstanding!)


Anyone heard this rumour, before?
From another forum

After some research I discovered that AT had run a secret programme to install nano-valves into cartridges, and what gives the AT33EV itā€™s slightly soggy fullness is a very tiny EL34 based amplifier within the body of the cartridge. Incredible technology, and so small no-one will ever be able to verify it. Nor indeed falsify it.

Gone about three months early with this oneā€¦


I still canā€™t believe it was posted!

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or a few days late - the Spanish version (Day of the Innocents) is on Dec 28th, if the message has jumped across from there


Thatā€™s just Andy trying to be funny, sold a phono to him many years ago and despite being a deluded Harbeth fan heā€™s fairly normal.

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Sort of olde corner coffee music shop for Northampton


I remember when you had that sofa

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Was lovely,had the set.
Sadly was a nightmare for my back

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Thatā€™s lovely.

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Iā€™m honestly not sure if its just me, but Iā€™ve yet to hear a pair of wilsons that I actually find even slightly musically engaging.

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No itā€™s not just you, theyā€™re worse than Harbeth :wink:

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