Brexit - Creating a Cuntocracy - Now with 4d chess option


Politicians saying things to win votes shocker…

I understand why the government would feel it necessary to try to convince the masses that Brexit would offer tangible benefits to its citizens (in spite of the available evidence and studies), but why the fuck would you send the grey droid to do it? :man_facepalming::laughing:

Because all the other Tories in Cabinet would make a worse job of it than her?

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Possibly. Boris tells better lies though. I loved this yesterday:^tfw

Feckin’ delusional…:clown_face:

Jesus Christ he really needs hurting

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What a fucking plum :man_facepalming:

From Jim’ll Paint It on Facebook.


I see Fox is planning to roll over 40 existing EU tradedeals with 70 countries. So much for taking back control.

Assuming of course that the other parties agree to them without changes which may not necessarily happen.

I would say that is prety much guaranteed, they will all want to screw us over.

Yep: “they have no resources to negotiate and need deals signed quick - what five clauses can we add that will give us a massive advantage?”

This is an advantage of taking back control though…:sob:

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I now agree with John Major and Tony Blair
This perhaps shows how inept our contemporary leaders are

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