Brexit - Creating a Cuntocracy - Now with 4d chess option

And again…:roll_eyes:

There’s a couple of lists here:

Dana, it’s very difficult after seeing all the documentaries and vox pops in regions like the North East, and East of England - some of the biggest drivers of Brexit - that they were driven by xenophobia on a large scale.

Don’t you think so?

That our corporate culture is somehow ‘more enlightened’ than other countries, is not necessarily good enough in an absolute sense.

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Immigration was a major factor in the vote, however it doesn’t make everyone who voted out a ‘racist’ does it?

Oh and countries with bugger all, or strictly controlled immigration, appearing to be tolerant, is bollocks… imo…

Define exactly what you mean by tolerant and also how you like it measured please, otherwise this is just a completely vacuous question.

Tolerance is inherently multi-dimensional (e.g. religious, racial, sexual, gender, socio-economic background, ginger (:grin:)) and as such is very, very difficult to measure in an absolute sense, Making relative statements about tolerance or societal integration could be especially difficult and so prone to inaccurate measurement as to be useless.

As an example of gross intolerance, you might want to look at the situation regarding abortion and gay marriage in NI which contrasts markedly with the rest of the country. Alternatively, how many BME managers have held positions in the Premier League since its inception and compare that to the proportion of players with BME backgrounds. Even within the BME category, some ethnic backgrounds are disproportionately under-represented.

imo is the important bit there. You are entitled to an opinion, even if it is wrong.


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Excellent, as usual, from Dion Fanning.


says it all really :confounded:

I just read the letter. She repeats herself, word for word, quite a bit. Does she think they might just skim through it and miss something if she only says it once ?


Does she mention ‘cheese eating surrender monkeys’ in it - and if not why not?:laughing:


I just saw the text on the BBC website. But maybe the actual letter is laid out so that you get this kind of message by reading down the first letter of every line or something. I can imagine Boris Johnson thinking that that would be really funny.


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Nationalism, Pre cursor to fascism, destruction and stinking thinking…

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Just read the letter in full. If I’ve got the gist of it we want it all, but not be a member of the EU. I think that’s about it, but I could be wrong. And I’m not sure of the etiquette of addressing the letter to President Tusk and finishing with ‘Yours Sincerely’. Should ‘Yours Faithfully’ be more appropriate, or is that only used when addressing ‘Dear Sir or Madam’? Could be worse I suppose - she could have signed off with Kind Regards, TM

The Guardian’s take:



I expect Brexit to fix this kind of shit right up:


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Because nothing says “Brexit” quite like a Union Jack tied upside down between two bins.


We may be poor. But we are happy :slight_smile:.


Unfortunately, while the EU were​ quite good at pumping money into poor areas, the Tories simply look at them in horror and wonder why the fuck anyone would live there.

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