Consider Phlebas

Don’t fuck this up, you whoppers.


I’ve looked forward to and dreaded this in equal measure. Love the Culture novels but not convinced that the subtlety will translate across to the screen.

I’d have thought Player of Games would have been an easier one to begin with?

Should be interesting on the telly!

I’m sure that with the right kind of lasers and gratuitous violence everything will go swimming well :+1:

This better be fucking brilliant.

I’d like them to make Against a Dark Background as well. Reckon it would be a brilliant action movie and
Sharrow is such a great Lara Croft style character. Probably my favourite Banks book.

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I think done in the style of Buck Rogers it would be amazing :+1:

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I think done in the style of Duck Dodgers it would be better.

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Done well, that could be truly awesome. Certainly one of my faves too!

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Twiky on the pull.

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