Diet and Fitness

Nice one :thumbsup:

Day 2: 300 swings etc etc.

This is already feeling like a long month!

Back home later than planned and exhausted after a very early start. Iā€™m crying off tonight and using it as my 1 in 7 rest day so need to go 6 days straight which is made easier by the fact I can get at least two good workouts in over the weekend with time for stretching and foam rolling too.

During Feb I am planning three hours of physical action (above walking level) per week. In concert with my diet.
40 mins of squash just been completed and i managed to get 2000 cals in me today-Plus I picked up a 6Kg Kettlebell in Aldi for Ā£9 to offer options.
I am desperately unfit - I never ever thought I could get so fat and unfit. I was super slim and fit until I got to forty.
Then it fell apart.

The good thing is I am retired so i have plenty of time each day I can allocate to getting in shape.


I wish I had that kind of time. Just be focused and spend time training. I love it once I get started but I will be having two days off work within 3 weeks and have allowed myself to not train yet this week. I think a full body workout is needed tomorrow.

Yup. Thatā€™s why cycling saved me. A longer route home is an hours exercise and still less time than if I got the bus. Even a 2 hour ride after work is still probably less than travelling to gym, exercising for an hour, then getting home

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I know itā€™s breaking with the programme but I managed 8 in a row with (I think) good form. Tried out of curiosity.

Now Iā€™m down to 10 secs between reps thereā€™s not really time to do anything between so itā€™s basically doing a plank on top of the push ups

Well done. Youā€™ll do 10 in no time.

Well I just gave my FatFuk the bumā€™s rush.

Thatā€™s the third time in a week itā€™s locked up - no green flashing lights, not registering steps.

It seems that a factory reset (which requires three hands and good timing) usually cures it, but basically itā€™s dying.

About 9 months old. And I really canā€™t be bothered to chase up a replacement (the first one I got was DOA).

Switching back to a normal watch and the free Android app that my wife uses.

Had a bad few days with dentist plus man flu. On the plus side weight has dropped by 4lb

Carrying on with walking but wonā€™t make 10k today. Went out for a walk earlier and really struggled.

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Exercise tends to make my cold etc worse so I usually back off until itā€™s starting to go.

I caught a cold on 2 Jan but was determined to stick to 10k steps, took me two weeks to shift it. Sitting by the fire now.

You were right about weight loss, lot easier to cut out sweet things when half of a tooth has chipped off :smile:


A number of people are interested in getting a little bit of exercise to burn fat, and itā€™s always better to ease into it and focus on frequency and being able to do something everyday.

Well I found this workout which is deliberately low impact, largely lower body so doesnā€™t rely on strength, and has a good focus on flexibility and mobilising a good range of motion. Best of all, no equipment required.

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Managed 5 secs between push ups today, 5 was quite a bit harder than 10 because at first I was holding the top position between reps but after 6 I realised I wasnā€™t going to manage doing it that way :stuck_out_tongue: put my knee down to rest briefly between the last 4. It feels like bridging from 10 secs to 10 continuous will be tough so I did 4 or 5 sets of 5 (continuous) randomly throughout the day.

I had a rubbish Christmas eating and drinking wise, almost like it was going out of fashion. Fucking ridiculous really. Splitting up with my girlfriend didnā€™t help :slight_smile:

Iā€™m going to utilise the above workout with my usual press-ups and higher impact exercises Iā€™ve been doing, to give my body a bit of a rest.

How does the spoof classified ad go ?

Sick of dieting ? For rapid, effective weight loss try ā€¦ amoebic dysentery. One phial just $9.99 ! Sprinkle on seafood.


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Thatā€™s a whole week dieting plus a small amount of additional exercise.
I have logged everything I have eaten and ended the last few days of the week with a 2000 calorie intake.
When I backtracked my habits over the last few weeks i realised that I have been slowing my calorie intake subconsciously as I prepared for this diet. I have more carefully checked my historical intake, it was typically 4666 cals per day with a 39% fat content. This week I had no moments at all where I was seriously tempted towards a pig out and there were plenty of options in the larder.

Next weeks plan is to consume 2000 calories per day (doable) but try and reduce the weekly fat intake from 25% to 20%(might be difficult) Plus ramp up the exercise to three hours. In the week I have lost 1.1Kg = satisfactory.


Good effort.

25% fat doesnā€™t seem high? A reasonable amount of fat helps with feeling full in my experience

I really want to nail the push ups before I introduce anything else, but keen to progressā€¦ Probably makes sense to introduce the squat/push up routine @crimsondonkey suggested first then kettlebell swings

Chin up fella.

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