Diet and Fitness

Fat isn’t the enemy. Carbs when insulin is low will be stored in your fat cells. 30% fat is fine. Replace some carbs with added protein and fibre.

I would still recommend stepping your calories down slowly and upping your exercise at the same time. If you go to 2000 you’ll have nowhere to go and you’ll not be yet at a level of exercise which will burn fat at the rate you want.

Depends on your press up capacity - I find the squat- press up routine challenging. A circuit with kettlebells, squats and press ups would probably better prepare you for it, thats partly why I’m doing it, to increase my capacity for a faster time and also the calorie burning potential of KB’s is huge.

It can be done, although whether it should be done is a different matter (see above). However if you persist with it one thing you might find (I did) is that your skin dries out. Invest in a pot of E45 E45 Cream - E45 or similar and rub it copiously into any itchy bits.


That’s your excuse and you’re sticking to it :wink:

Given how quickly the E45 soaks in and dries off I think it would only be useful as a lubricant if you were a very swift operator :grin:.

I got out for the first proper walk for a while yesterday - 21 miles, out to Wantage then up to the Ridgeway and back. No apparent after effects today, except for a slightly sore wrist caused by a fall (I was trying to keep out of the mud by walking on the banks of a tight footpath, then one of the banks gave way underneath me, but doubtless NAM will have another explanation …). This bodes well for the first part of the GMT which I’m thinking of attempting at the end of March.



then GHT ???

Only managed half my KB’s yesterday - lower back tightened up and so I took the decision to bail out in the hope it would loosen off today with some stretching and foam rolling, and it has. So I will be getting a casserole sorted and in the oven, and then cracking on with it in the meantime.

21 miles, good work

What do you mean by press up capacity?

fnar fnar

That’s impressive - how long did you do that over?

Well…definitely leaner if not much lighter. Guess that probably means I’m doing it right. Ride today was good. Was leading the easier ride and although heart rate still higher than I would have liked it felt pretty easy going, so the main ride and my old speeds feel within reach. Have to stay disciplined and continue to build up slowly though.

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Well, it was complicated by the fact that for the first 8.5 miles I was walking with Mrs VB and she’s not great on the muddy stretches. When we got to the edge of Wantage she headed for the road and a bus home whereas I turned up to the Ridgeway. Also I sat around for a while on Lord Wantage’s column (yes, yes, I know, it is actually a real thing)

and ate sandwiches, fruit etc. The journey start-to-finish was 6.5 hours, so say 6 hours walking with 40% at quite a gentle pace then 60% a bit quicker.

I imagine Paula Radcliffe would have covered the whole distance in less than 2 hours.


I’m trying to increase my tolerance to doing lots of press is, so my current routine is giving me 100 press ups a day - that’s upping my total capacity in reps, so that when I have to do 55 mixed in with squats and against the clock, I’ll have greater capacity to draw upon.

Jeez yeah that routine is 55 push ups… I hadn’t added it up…I’m way off that :stuck_out_tongue:

OK Cheers - I am trying, Today lowered carbs from 55% to 45% and also increased calorie count - Today was 2350.

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Today is the first day of the rest of my life, things must be done because of reasons!


Are you cutting down from 8 to 5 pavs a week then Rob? :grinning:

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That’s a bit much to be honest! I’ll cut down to one a day (7) I think that’s more achievable don’t you?

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Here’s your five a day…