Diet and Fitness

Good stuff. Just don’t go too hard too fast or you’ll be too sore to go again.

If you want weight gain to be more muscle than fat then the best prescription is a program of compound lifting 3 times a week and up your protein intake. In the 50’s this was abbreviated as ‘milk and squats’.

Strong lifts is a good progressive intro to the kind of lifting I’d recommend, although after 3 months I’d move away from 5x5 to 3x8.

I did get back into 28" jeans last year, but then I reckon jeans measurements vary brand to brand and I was too lazy to measure myself so wouldn’t put too much stock in it. They are too tight at the moment anyway.

Fuck making the younger you a suit!

lol definitely not this!

I have the Starting Strength book by Rippetoe but find that routine a bit boring so I’m trying to lift in a way to keep me interested. It’s a good form guide.

I found this the other day. Might be useful?

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Post in pork fat thread - lots of expertise here :smile:

Rippetoe is good and knows his stuff - his form guide is good especially strength over hypertrophy.

So what kind of thing keeps you interested? Also are you a ‘programmer’ (set out a schedule for 1,2,3 months with rep and weight targets and track against it), or a ‘feeler’? (have a plan but deviate session to session based on what feels right).

Also what are you more interested in working on - your strengths or your weaknesses?

Does that shape pose potential problems for the tailor Ritchie? Even one with your rarefied talents? Actually thinking back it was more like 28" waist and 42" chest at my competitive peak (with a 29" inside leg so yeah a really funny shape).


With the Conjugate Method I was doing previously I was changing exercises (different variation of an exercise) every 2 or 3 sessions, which felt good and I’ll likely go back to this.

Right now I’m more feeling it - for Squats starting off with sets of 10 and adding a plate, going down to sets of 8 then 5 when I feel I need to and then removing a plate and using the same sets and reps on the way back down. Last session I did all sets at 10 reps as the weight felt lighter even though I was lifting heavier than the previous session. Just getting some volume in and trying to get into a groove.

I’m wanting to get a base of strength right now but concentrating on my weaknesses with the Good Mornings (doing 3 sets of 10-12 after Squats currently).

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Great foundation :thumbsup:

Yes, really difficult. I expect you had thighs to match too… Just making you something that balanced on you and fitted cleanly would be quite a task, let alone with some elegance. Any tailor upon seeing you would have one of these moments

You wouldn’t have much choice though because you would look a proper cunt in something off the peg. :joy:


Absolutely true! :neutral_face:

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…doesn’t matter what he’s wearing :stuck_out_tongue:

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Cameltoe is better.

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Tru dat.

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Me as well

Keeping up the swinging. God knows where my daily calories are at though as I’ve needed to eat to cope with the volume and frequency :scream:

I’m using whether or not I can cope easily with my slight calorie restriction as a guide to whether I am progressing slowly enough. I remember last spring I ramped up the cycling pretty abruptly and it just became impossible not to eat like a bastard, I also got very fast very quickly before burning out :stuck_out_tongue: