Donald Trump finally announced as some massive in-joke (Part 1)


You have to remember a BJ is not being unfaithful.

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Give that man a cigar




Haha, hoisted by his own petard.

I’m going to call him Donny Oneterm from now on. No way he gets re-elected.

You appear to be assigning a minimum level of intelligence to the general public. That may not be consistent with recent events…


That is of course if he even manages to cling on for a full term.

Dumb cunt must be spending a small fortune on legal protection to stay in power.

It is amazing to think that he has only just completed his eighth month in office. Eight months and each one an all new disaster…

He’ll grift his way to 4 years, then the Repulicans will make him part of an underpass.

Speaking to Lou’s sister tonight (lives in USA) and asked her if there was a Presidential Election tomorrow would you vote for Trump again?

No hesitation. Straight YES.


Haha, people are ghastly.

I agree

I have a brother in law and sister in law in Virginia. They both voted for the orange cunt as did their kids who live in Texas. They are both reasonably well educated as well which makes it all the more strange,

So Corbyn’s in then :confounded:

More frightening than trump,is that millions love him

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It’s the fact that she would vote for him again without hesitation that surprises me. Actually it shocks me. She comes across as fairly intelligent and reasonably level headed, yet she has absolutely no issues with his performance to date.

If she’s anything even near the typical US voter, he’s going to piss a second term.

I don’t think we should underestimate how unpopular Obama was in a lot of places in America.

There was a massive disassociation between Capitol Hill and the rest of the USA. Lots of people believed that Washington didn’t know what their lives were like and didn’t care.

Trump’s ‘Drain the Swamp’ and Crooked Hilary’ had a lot of traction. people didn’t trust the establishment Republican party either, Trump as an outsider from the political elite became the only option for a lot of people. He still is.