Donald Trump finally announced as some massive in-joke (Part 1)

I would chip in towards your expenses.


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No charge.

Song starts at one minute, West Side Story/Elton John mash-up.

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If memory serves, Puerto Rico isn’t a state and therefore gets no votes towards the Presidency, which I suspect means Trump has absolutely no reason to give a shit about it.

Apart from the fact that many PR citizens fight in the US military so not giving a shit about them is showing a lot less respect than taking a knee for the anthem!!
Typical Trump double standards.

He’s achieved the notoriety he’s craved. The fuckwit will indeed go down in history as the man who made G W Bush look a brilliant intellect, leader and statesman. A legend in his own mind, a leg end in everybody elses.

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The fat fuck will never do the right thing even by accident.


I work with a rabidly pro-Trump American expat who loudly proclaimed to the office recently that “I would take a bullet for that man”.

The room went very quiet.

Has he had a recent head injury?


I’m pretty sure somebody will offer :+1:

Twitter are looking at increasing their character limit. Lordy.

It is a territory IIRC, and has been since the late 19th Century. It is full of US Citizens. It just doesn’t have a Governor. It has been abandoned by it’s President. This is a rather worrying state of affairs.

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"If a player wants the privilege … of making millions of dollars in the NFL or other leagues, he or she should not be allowed to disrespect our Great American Flag or Country.” -Donald Trump

A response from Nance Greggs:

"If an Idiot wants the privilege of living in our White House, he shouldn’t disrespect it by calling it ‘a dump’.

If a traitor wants the privilege of working in the Oval Office, he shouldn’t disrespect it by using it to convey classified information to our Russian enemies in ‘secret meetings’ behind closed doors.

If an incoherent blowhard wants the privilege of addressing the UN, he shouldn’t disrespect it by threatening to destroy another country, or referring to their leader by a silly nickname.

If a draft-dodger wants the privilege of being the commander-in-chief of our military, he shouldn’t disrespect them by putting them in harm’s way to salve his own ego, or telling them that their sexual orientation makes them unfit to serve.

If an ignorant dumbass wants the privilege of being treated with respect by world leaders, he shouldn’t disrespect them by not even bothering to learn the names of their countries.

If a lazier-than-fuck con-artist wants the privilege of working for his countrymen, he shouldn’t disrespect them by spending his days tweeting, watching TV, and playing golf.

If an obvious racist wants the privilege of being our nation’s leader, he shouldn’t disrespect it by calling a black athlete a “son-of-a-bitch”, or calling white supremacists “fine people”.

If an immature bully wants the privilege of being seen as an adult, he shouldn’t disrespect it by tweeting gifs of hitting Hillary Clinton with a golf ball, or falsely accusing his predecessor of having “tapped his wires”.

If a blatantly stupid ignoramus wants the privilege of being in charge of the government, he shouldn’t disrespect it by not knowing how it works, and not bothering to educate himself.

If a know-nothing jerk-off wants the privilege of holding the highest position in the land, he shouldn’t disrespect it by acting like a low-life thug at home, and a ridiculous buffoon on the world stage.

If a self-serving narcissist wants the privilege of being POTUS, he shouldn’t disrespect the office by lying, lying, and lying again – repeatedly and unabated – to the citizens he has sworn to serve.

If a shit-for-brains moron wants the privilege of being called “the leader of the free world”, he shouldn’t disrespect that title by trying to diminish the freedoms of his own citizens.

If a classless imbecile wants the privilege of enjoying the perks of the presidency, he shouldn’t disrespect that by pocketing profits from the sale of his own POTUS-labelled merchandise, charging the taxpayers for housing his SS entourage while he plays golf at his own resorts, and using donations to his “re-election fund” to pay the fees of lawyers who are desperately trying to keep him out of prison.

When it comes to any suggestion that anyone is being “disrespectful” of our flag or the country it represents, one need look no further than the Idiot-in-Chief who has shat on both every single day of his tenure in office."


It’s a good response, but I would expect some comments about his terrible misogyny as well.

Fight fire with fire!

I wouldn’t want a naked flame anywhere near Donalds ‘hair’. The ensuing loss of life could run into the thousands. Drowning, or squashing is probably the way to go.


I favour throttling.


I think squashing is an excellent idea ,:joy:


He’s all for respecting the flag…