Donald Trump finally announced as some massive in-joke (Part 1)

A change in the law, which isn’t going to happen. The US presidential election is not movable. If the occupant of the post leaves or is removed then a stand-in is put in his/her place and they serve until the next election date or until they leave or are removed.


I so want this vote to turn out with the USA and Israel on one side and every other nation on earth on the other.



Not like that would be a first.


Time to buy a pint for the 128

I am the best

I predicted Apple’s stock would fall2

I will build a great, great wall3

I build buildings that are 94 stories tall4

My hands – are they small

Hot little girl in highschool

I’m a very compassionate person (With a very high IQ)7

Just think, in a couple of years, I’ll be dating you8

It must be a pretty picture, you dropping to your knees9

Come here, I’ll show you how life works10. Please11

This is so full of dumb it is not funny. The last paragraph states:

Hoekstra, who was born in Groningen in the Netherlands, was a Republican Congressman for Michigan between 1993 and 2011, and served as chair of the House Intelligence Committee for two years during that time.

I can only presume that this means he was some sort of sofa in his time as chair :roll_eyes: of the House Intelligence Committee

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Every time it gets more dafuq

Rotting belltards, all of 'em, y’hear me, all of the fuckers.

Much underrated band IMHO


Their Putrid Smeg debut Album is a classic.


Didn’t like the scratch ‘n’ sniff cover on the 12" extended mix though

This is difficult, bigly. I only managed 10/15. Who knew Buddy from Elf was such a good public speaker? :unamused:


10/15 too.

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I’ll bet you have small hands you fucking swat…:face_with_monocle:

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I’d like to see Trump take the quiz

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I couldn’t be arsed :racing_car:

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I just have a highly developed bullshitometer.