eBay stuff (Part 1)

Cheap if you can get a few bits off it

Pride of ownership glow is strong here.


I hope they pack it carefully. Be a shame if it got damaged. Still you could put a claim in if it did.

Sorry to be serious but weren’t some of the parts on the Garrards cadmium plated, I would have thought a battered one could have loose cadmium floating about and it is a tad toxic.

Stronzetto will lick that off before Matt touches it


301’s cadmium plated, 401’s ok. I suspect the rust has worn off any coating, but watch out for reconditioned motor and bearing in a few weeks …

There are a few things on there I can use. Mainly I’m looking forward to photographing and filming the thing smashed to bits.


The pic showing the ‘plinth’ from underneath seems also to include quite a lot of bits of rubbish (dead grass ?). Make sure you get that. I once bought a tatty box containing some Quad II bits and pieces (rusty nuts and bolts, connectors etc) and the eBay pic clearly showed a dead wasp in the box. But when the stuff arrived the dead wasp wasn’t there :rage:.



Anyone near Corby?

A trouser press isn’t going to sort that Garrard out. You will need something a bit more substantial.


There is nothing Schumann cant finesse

I was, but missed the end of the auction :rage:
Have msg’d him but no reply so far.

Like the old joke:
(Insert name of current imbecile US president) goes into a pet shop and asks for a wasp. Bloke says ‘I’m very sorry sir, we haven’t got any wasps. Dogs, cats, rabbits, goldfish yes but no wasps. And Cretin says: ‘But you’ve got one in the window…’

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I doubt anyone would admit to it if they were.:joy:

Office is near Corby

Again, I’d rather have that than a lot of the tat people salivate over in this thread! :wink:

Such as?

Well, virtually any of it. All that stuff with its stereo separation, and treble. And high “fi”, whatever that is.

A word of warning - this is the later Audio Partnership re-make and not the true AI original. It’s shiny, it’s pretty and it doesn’t sound too bad but it’s not the real thing.