Fuck off, I'm back

Welcome back Rich, try and make it longer this time, there’s a good lad :grin:

All we need is sodders back now and normal service would be resumed!

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:confounded: Fer.Feck’s.Sakes…:face_vomiting:

You did ask.

No more cocking around on other sites, promise.

Oh, the wood for yer 300b frame has, well let’s just say, turned to coal.

Cuntish salutations a given.


Seems sad to say it, but to be honest, I’m bored with hifi. There are things I’ve bought over the last few months that are still sitting in boxes and bags. The system got torn down about a month ago and I haven’t put it back together yet. Too much to get sorted with work and the house basically, but also, I just can’t get interested at the moment. If I’ve got half a day spare, I’ll go out with the camera.

It’ll come back. Probably in the winter.

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Someone may need to explain this…

Explain what?

Forget it. I have just noticed this thread was more than one post!
My internet connection is pants where I am and I only saw the OP!

On the flip side … if multiple universe theory is correct, there is a universe containing a completed 300b. :slight_smile:

May be quicker just to wait for them to collide then pick it up direct from the singularity.


Except in that universe rabski is best mates with Richard Dunce and sold his 300b on ebay to buy an NVA amp.

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How can I put this? Oh yes, I know…

We’re all post HiFi here, you’ll be fine.

How’s the pre? That’s one of only two things I kinda regret selling

Post op more like.


Would that be the one where there’s a bit less dark energy than here, so the expansion eventually stops and the whole thing then collapses over billions of years to an infinitely hot fireball ?



Please … no Big Bang jokes. :slight_smile:

Just be careful what you say here - the Wam Gestapo are lurking.:wink:

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They’re clawless here.

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The resident HFS lawyer will be taking note.

What are they going to do? Wave their colostomy bags at us?

Lurking is fine, as is the Wam if that is yer bag (:smirk:).

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Lurkio away