Pork Faff Therapy/ What are you eating?

1979 dessert flashback. Again adequacy was achieved.


Only 7 days to go …


I don’t think that fermented bean curd is ever going to be used again. It’s clearly going to sit in the fridge until we change fridges or house

I don’t get any satisfaction but…I tried to warn you :smirk:

Hmmmmm…call yourself an abattoirist…you’ve left half a sheep on the plate!!*
*You are excused for leaving the veg :wink:

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I hadn’t finished when I took that photo. There were eight cutlets in the serving so I needed to pause for air before I inhaled the remaining edible items. I also had a fair bit of a piece of grilled sole. I’m still full now, although a bacon sandwich would be nice…


Surf n turf…nice! :grinning:

I just had one of these. It had been sitting in the cupboard for a few months since being bought as an experiment, so I figured I’d give it a crack.

It allegedly contained chicken, ginger and chilli, but seemed to be cheap noodles that didn’t taste of anything in particular.

IMO a triumph of marketing over substance. And the cutesy crap on the carton (practice your kung fu while you’re waiting for it to be ready) irritated the tits off me.

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Portuguese lunch today at The Square in Henley.
Prawns wrapped in bacon and BBQ’d. Followed by loin of Monkfish. Narelle had the same starter but followed with baked Salt Cod.

Excellent and very good value.

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Had a beautiful veggie breakfast at the boston tea party cafe today.

Was it Mr bens rice, cheese and a couple of tomatoes,

Luckily not.

Looking forward to this.


I would highly recommend that if you’re not tofu-averse. :thumbsup: Aubergines were lovely done that way (I steamed them)

Serves 4 my arse though.

Be good for two. I ate it all (I guinea pig things when the wife is out :stuck_out_tongue:) .

Discard the garlic cloves after frying them…pah.

I didn’t have any preserved mustard root. Might have to seek some out.

I’d be tempted to replace the tofu with haloumi/ paneer/ seitan.

I’d be tempted to replace it with some pieces of dead animals



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The silken tofu texture works well in contrast to the aubergine

…but I fucking love tofu

You must be Mo Farah and I claim my 50p