The shit that doesn't merit its own thread (the resurrection)

Claire has shown me a house in Cape Town that would leave us mortgage free, with a decent bit of savings and she’s fairly confident of getting a decent teaching post there…

It’s massive, has a swimming pool, air conditioning, a really big garden and has an amazing sea view…


Do you really want to bring up a daughter in SA?

I know a few ZA ex pats who say if you’re in the right school, then educational attainment isn’t an issue, standards are high. It’s afterwards that the problems happen and employment for young Europeans can be an issue these days.

However I’ve tried to drum into my girls that the world is their Oyster, they might have to jump through hoops, but if they have the right skills, they’ll be able to work anyhere they can be bothered learning the language of.

As for the social issues, yes, that needs some consideration, but no one I know says they are actually scared to go back there.

TBH, though, she’s just pipe dreaming. Maybe if we can work the same deal when the kids are off to university or the RAF or whatever, then it might be a goer.

That would leave you plenty left for bullet proof vests and assault rifles.


The epic shitshow continues.

It turns out, there really is a developer league table. The scrum master, AKA “Is it done yet?”, AKA “Helmet” forgot to stop sharing his screen at the end of the meeting.

Two more resignations today.

No more fights, although it did look like one of the testers was getting ready to give someone a good doing earlier today.


Who knew your industry was so exciting?

That’s the thing.

It’s a ridiculous cliché from the 90s.

The rest of the world has worked out how to avoid these problems.

This lot haven’t.

Too many cricket balls to the head.


Given his sense of humour, I would be surprised if he wasn’t just taking the piss

Indirectly quoting an article from The Sun, and no quotes. Clearly a piss take.

I got rid of POS Mazda today, :slight_smile:
Traded it in just 10 days after it was finally declared fit for purpose.
During the 20 months I owned it for it was on the back of a flatbed tow truck 4 fcuking times (I have photos of them all)
First and last time I ever buy a Mazda or a diesel.


What is the replacement? I am avoiding Mazdas and hate diesels so I may as well avoid the new one too.

Our Nissan Almera boradrive petrol lasted 135000 miles and 13 years on the same clutch and battery and never failed ever.

Scraped it this week…

You’d have gotten a decent trade in against an Astra.

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Damn, missed a trick there…

And if you had done it today you could’ve gotten a black one. They are the best ones.

That looks shit tbh.

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