The shit that doesn't merit its own thread (the resurrection)

we were just saying earlier it feels strange not to have shopped for anything as we are off to a hotel for three days on Sunday. Louise said without the shop it didn’t feel like christmas

Used to go at midnight,can’t be arsed this year though.

Trying to build up some motivation to do the same :grimacing:. Might not bother (and then regret it later when i end up desperate surrounded by gormless fuckers and find that all the things I want have sold out).

I’m just back in from a half day spent picking up “a few things for the kids” according to Jackie (i.e. a skipload of expensive shite that’ll be broken by New Year’s Day) followed by a trip to Aldi and M&S.

To add insult to injury, I could not go and hide in the pub as I am not drinking and there was no football on the Telly.


Never again.

Theresa May said “a line should be drawn under the issue”.

Translated = “for fucks sakes I can’t afford to lose another MP”

Fixt for the Soho vibe…

Shame Sugar Tits didn’t get a ball gag for BoJo and a butt-plug for Gove to shut them both up…

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Cunt. It’s really funny when these idiots hurt themselves and we are obliged to waste manpower on them (first response), calling ambulances, CCTV downloads and then a fuckton of paperwork.
Really fucking funny :no_bell:

All thanks to my team :ok_hand:

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Apparently my NAS counts kicking the mains cable out the back as an “improper shutdown”. Ooh, get her.


Just remembered,the forum is 2 years old.


1st or 2nd incarnation ? :blush:

Bit of both

Bloody hell, is it really?!

Yes,was mid December 15 it started

Wow, tempus fugit or what :thinking:

Tempers, Fuck it ?


Both my kids are awake, and now they can’t sleep because they’re too worried that Father Christmas might not come if they’re awake at midnight

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He won’t come. They’re fucked.