The shit that doesn't merit its own thread (the resurrection)

I got a letter this morning from the DWP. This is the gist.

Good news for carers. Carer’s Allowance has increased from £62.10 pw to £62.70pw.

Now the government recognises that this is insufficient, so carers are eligible for Income Support of £45.60 pw.

Bad news for carers. As a result of the increase in Carer’s Allowance, income support is reduced to £45 pw.

Net result - get tae fuck carers - no extra 60p a week for you.

Dontcha just love this caring, inclusive society we live in :rage:

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It’s a good job imho. Who knows what kind of irresponsible or illegal activities you might have spunked that extra 60p on?


I find news like that always helps when you know that Hunt is having a hard time of making ends meet

Could go mad in the poundshop every fortnight :+1:


The civil service shuffling money around, kept us in jobs for years has that. Humphrey would be proud of the efficiency on display here.


Thanks for that. Cheered me up no end.

It’s good to know that he’s as massive a hypocrite as he is a cunt.

Edit: just seen this little gem at the end:

Mr Hunt said today: “I am incredibly proud to have set up a successful business, even prouder of the current Hotcourses team who have taken it from strength to strength, and intend to use a significant proportion of the proceeds to campaign for causes I believe in when I eventually leave frontline politics.”

As far as I can ascertain the only cause he believes in is Jeremy Hunt.


I wonder if he’s proud enough of his team (that would be “even prouder than incredibly proud”) to share the proceeds with them ? I’m guessing not.


I love the whole 100% tax rate thing (or in this case, benefit loss rather than tax). It’s just evil.

There is a lot of sense to a non means tested income for all. Give everyone £60 a week or whatever, but scrap jobseeker allowance, and claw much of it back in tax from anyone earning over average salary. It’d make life much easier, and stop the very high cost of taking on work when you’re unemployed.

If I’m being honest, I do resent the fact that I have to work 35 hours per week as a full time carer in order to qualify for £107.70 from the state when the minimum wage in 2017 for a 35 hour week is £262.50.

It only adds insult to injury when one considers the tens of thousands I am saving the state in residential care costs.

Letters like today’s are the fucking cherry on top.


Boots the Chemist. Naughty naughty…

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This is disturbing on so many levels. Poor wee girl. Breaks your heart.

I have now managed to get it to play Alabama 3’s Ain’t Goin’ To Goa from a local FLAC file in the emulator.

On balance I think it would have been a lot simpler and certainly less painful to just punch myself in the face repeatedly until I was dead.


I assume from Glasgow?

Probably, going by the wee girl’s accent. Certainly west of Scotland.


Where the fuck does Labradorite come from? And do the Kennel Club know?

It’s short for “Labrador Shite”, which effectively dispels the myth that you can’t polish a turd.


And it even displays “Alternative” for the genre, instead of the hard-coded “Death Metal” I started off with. Figured that probably wouldn’t get past QA.

Gosh darn it this is painful.

Just put on a record… :grin: