The shit that doesn't merit its own thread (the resurrection)

Available soon on very expensive pressings :grinning:

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A real disappointment live as I recall. Turgid & derivative dross.


why was this in my lunchbox?

20170213_083718 by uh_simon, on Flickr

Nobody on here will recognize that, it’s a vegetable…


Is it the wrong way up :v: (and maybe the wrong way round) ? Or maybe it’s a day early …


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3 to 3.5 hours of “psychometric test”.

FFS, when HR departments go bad.

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I cracked up at that…

I was recently requested to do an initial review recorded over webcam.
I didn’t do that. Lazy hr bullshit to me.


Great address at the bottom of the pic

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Has this become the " spot the moustache" thread?

They’ll be fucking confused when they get home to find a charred circle surrounding what looks like a christmas tree burnt to a crisp and a plate of this sitting next to it

Question 96

Are you

a) still calm and serene
b) actually getting pretty tetchy now


The correct answer is “fuck off you caaaant”.

Kevin Scott’s got a new listening room. Going for a gander on Friday.


Just turned down a job, or at least the last (HR interview) hurdle before a job, which presumably would have been pretty well-paying, and certainly 100% more job than I currently have.

Not totally certain that I haven’t been exceedingly dumb.

(this is different from the meeellion questions cowboys I’ve been to see this afternoon)

If you’re not sure, or you don’t fancy it, then the answers got to be no and keep looking.

I know, I know.

Nice people, quite interesting work, ghastly Borg corporate culture, vile commute.

And it pays.

Here’s hoping that drawing a big cock & balls on this afternoon’s psychometric test doesn’t jeopardise my chances too much.