Today I have mainly been V2.0


Fighting with my work PC.

It isn’t much fun :frowning:


You have no idea how close to this I have come…

Wondering why I have been invited to some sort of new forum split off from the dying old gaff. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Walking round clothes shops trying not to look awkward… failing

I know the high street is struggling but shocked none of them can afford to finish the ceilings


Potting on some Basil plants.


Currently in London (Moorgate) to deliver a presentation on testing in F# for a user group. Not expecting to get home before midnight. :frowning:

Guess you’re pitching the presentation fairly high :smiley:


It’s shit as it’s set up by two wankers.

why? are you shop lifting?

I’m unclear as to the need for another wanker forum when there is already a perfectly good one here :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I agree, I have left, I didn’t ask to fucking join in the first place, just one of the two mods who set it up drumming up support for a waste of space area. The two slimey twats who kissed pet food arse are now trying to look not like the ass kissers they are. Fucking pathetic.

ALL the mods kiss PFP’s arse !

Is the Wam up for sale?
I’ve got a fiver burning a hole in my pocket.


I have made a point of not discussing the Wam on here, as folk would have rightly have got pissed off with me doing so.
But you are speaking shite Bob, as usual. We stayed because we thought that perhaps, just maybe, we could try and keep the forum side running, partly because of the history of it, and because there were still lots of folk who enjoyed posting there. We never kissed ass, as you put it, but merely tried to make the best out of a bad situation, which was out of our control. Slimey and ass kissers? Why not say it to my face instead of hiding behind a keyboard you pathetic little gobshite? You do know that you are a running joke on here, don’t you?

No more than you slimy ass kisser.

Carry on hiding behind your keyboard you silly cunt. God forbid you ever get the whole side of a story before you open that ignorant gob…