Today I have mainly been

The Island nurse called to see Lou this morning (I was still in bed) and is coming back later with some tablets to subdue the nausea


Hopefully they will work for you :+1:

Watch what they give you. Some of my anti-nausea meds (cyclizine in particular) make me extremely drowsy and quite forgetful which might not be great if you have a primary caring role. Having said that, Iā€™m taking a fair bit of other medication too, so it might be an interaction.

Can you get a sense of which ear is causing it? Have you any increase in tinnitus associated with either side?

Normally they prescribe Stemetil or Stugeron which damp down the spurious messages being sent from the cochlear to the brain. Most often used for sea-sickness.

if it persists, keep on at them to investigate further. The initial cause is often labyrinthitis.

I couldnā€™t say which ear is causing it, but no tinnitus. However, from time to time my ears seem to briefly (a minute or so) feel like they need to pop as everything sounds muffled and volume levels reduce, similar to when youā€™re descending in an aircraft.

When I turn over in bed I get a short - 5 to 10 second - period where it seems like the room is bouncing around and I instinctively try to grab the bed head to stop falling out

Maybe a blocked eustachian tube or one that isnā€™t clearing properly when you swallow? May be worth asking the nurse about it. But you may have to visit ENT in Lerwick to find out more.

My wife got labyrinthitis and decided to tell the DVLA about it (itā€™s a notifiable condition). She ended up having her licence confiscated and it took three months to get it back, despite her condition only lasting a couple of weeks.

Reviewing academic journal papers

Do, as everyone suggests, seek further help if this persists, but as another exemplar of how varied causes of one symptom can be, Sam suffers rare bouts of vertigo at times of extreme stress combined with lack of sleep. Given all you have on your plate, you may need to slow things up a little as and where you can, perhaps take a bit of a holiday if Lou is fit to travel.


Tidying up after Xmas.


Thanks, Paul.

Nurse has just delivered some tablets for the nausea (Prochlorperazine) and the Doc is on the island in the morning. I have an appointment to see him


Check this alsoā€¦

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A good dose of masturbation is all you need. Get the scented candles and oil out, and get thee to the mancave.

Prochlorperazine is the proper medical name for Stemetil. It can be quite effective. I still have some but rarely need it now.

Longer term Iā€™ve been using something called Betahistine which functions in a different way but hopefully your symptoms will settle down again soon.

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My mother was diagnosed with that.

Turned out (after much faffing) that sheā€™d actually had a small stroke in her pons (Google it).

There are times when I begrudgingly appreciate my wife being a clutter-nazi

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Two trips to the recycling centre. Seig Heil!

Standing in the post office wondering if they were a 70s punk band


Ask the operative behind the counter to demonstrate how their gusset worksā€¦

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My gussets need to be expandable for obvs reasons :laughing: