Today I have mainly been

They pre-broke your yolk? That’s definitely grounds for a severe cockpunch, or seeing as they’re hipsters, beard burning.


I take it they don’t get many plumbers/builders in there?

@Jim would have a shirt that matched the tablecloth, clearly you are a beginner in the eating out stakes.


Jim has wooden shirts? Cool.

Clearly, he would have had to go topless and have the correct tan. :persevere:

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Like a bronze bhudda :slightly_smiling_face:


He wanted it to be Astroturf


Taste the same I reckons.

I have to say, I have never considered pesto as an accompaniment to a fried brekkie, the thought would simply never have entered my head, it just isn’t a taste combination that seems right to me, although I can imagine it would complement the tomatoes, but the rest?

Serious question, did it work?

How would you find out? Surely you’d be too busy cramming the items used in that ridiculous presentation up the chef’s arse?


I have some reclaimed Welsh slates I can bring, 20x10s OK? :+1:

Perfect. What this dish really needs is just the faintest hint of birdshit.


And a rich yet runny sauce.

Naturally riven ‘by hand’ with plenty of texture then yes.

20x10 sounds a bit over engineered though. Any awkward random shapes?

I’ve found some antique fencing spades to eat with but have to find time this week to cut & make new handles for them from some bog oak I brought back from Ireland in a horse drawn gypsy caravan.


That comes a few hours after eating it…

Walking, eating, drinking and gambling.
Will be going straight to bed after the Derby.:grin:


Tidying up, dusting and vacuuming for my bakeoff tomorrow.

I have been known to put pesto in scrambled eggs, works rather well imho

garlic + eggs