Weird Food Combinations that Work...maybe. (We've moved on from Hot Cross Buns)

For inflammation of the bile duct may I suggest Manuka? It’s restorative qualities are well documented and is reassuringly expensive.

As a final point of contention it should be noted any apprentice cunt would profit well from looking towards the animal kingdom for inspiration - It is here one creature reigns supreme, with seemingly no redeeming features the Honey badger is viewed as a cunt most singular.

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Honey Badgers are the best


Mascot material in my view


Father Merrin and The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence will be around to cleanse your recidivist soul with fire some time after lunch but before nap time tomorrow.


The AA mascot

They’re scared of nowt, to the point of stupidity. Perfect fit



I may be quite out of sorts as I plan to experiment with Gurung honey, but your emissary’s are quite welcome.



Recorder OK. Honey OK. Honey and HCB not OK. HCB on Flute = :rage::rage: though unless in jazz style.

Stylings should be stripped away to really resonate with the raw spirit of the ethereal flute


Stronzetto had been planning a diversion into cookery to the point where I had placed my request for premium HCB’s. Sadly his latest arrest (Captured on film below) may have delayed matters.

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Is his latest product cross hot buns?

Ive just eaten one of those, loads of fruit and I think no mixed peel. Pretty much perfect.

I’ve just finished our third pack, there’s another pack downstairs.


Better surface area to volume ratio therefore a higher proportion of butter to bun :+1:

Butter is our friend.


Currants or raisins? I prefer home made sticky buns with sultanas. HCBs are overpriced bollocks. Minority report here I guess.

Aren’t HCBs just tea cakes with a christian religious insignia on the top :thinking:

…and you cunts are perpetuating the bollocks by buying and talking about them :ok_hand:

Is it wrong to not like Hot Cross Buns?

I’ll eat them to avoid starvation, but other than that I’m not really keen to be honest…

I find I have a weird relationship with them. When given a hot one with salted butter on, it’s fantastic, but rarely do I ever think “I really fancy a HCB right about now”. The human mind is a weird, weird place.

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Salted butter, yes. And cheese, I like them with Montgomery Cheddar :+1:

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I can see salted butter improving them :ok_hand:

What a coincidence - I noticed these in work this morning :+1:
