Weird Food Combinations that Work...maybe. (We've moved on from Hot Cross Buns)

New batch. 50% more spice, 50% more fruit.

Interested to see what these are like when they’ve cooled a bit.

Piping of crosses could’ve been neater. I cut too big a corner off the bag I used.
Next time (year?) I’m going pagan & will try pentagrams etc instead.


Those on the right side look darker than those on the left. Is that a trick of the light?

They look like belters. :ok_hand:

No, I think our oven does get hotter in the right back corner. I’ve noticed it with loaves too.

They look great regardless. Not sure I could wait until they cool :grin:

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Will a crumb reach Plymouth? I have the concerns.

Don’t be so passive man! If you leave now, there may be a couple left by the time you reach Tavistock. :+1:

I shall come in with buns this week. You have a toaster there don’t you if not a grill?

We have a convection oven, we usually bleed out old bearings in it - Surely it will afford the buns with authentic ‘Work mans’ flavor.


If your oven doesn’t impart enough flavour of the working man then I can post you down a packet of ‘honest toil’.

It is dessicated so can be sprinkled or added to a pint of ‘mild’ to make a broth for an authentic Northern soup for Northerners.

Similar to that lad way back that was selling spice bags.

Note: not suitable if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or workshy.

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But, but this is why I thought it would be quaint.


Oooo baby!

Parsnip and HCB crumble. Fabulous :+1:

Inferior teabagging though…

Parsnips are going with this:


That looks well “caramelised” :open_mouth:

Bed of onions & garlic, makes a wikid gravy!
Stage 2:


Looks lovely keep it on simmer for 3 months,then bring it to Lopwell

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Wrong thread


Indeed. Thread merging in…

