What alcoholic drink are you drinking right now?

I’m ashamed to say that I had to look that up :eyes:

No shame in that so did I :joy::joy::joy:

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I love the taste of a good whisky, but 2 large ones gives me a hangover worthy of Sodders, just prior to liver failure /replacement from stock.

The problem is, because I love it, I have a hard time limiting myself to just the one, so it’s easier just to avoid the stuff altogether.

Brandy has the same effect so I thought it was a brown spirit thing, but dark rum is fine (up to a point, obviously).


Yes, you should stick to the 70cL bottles if you’re going to have two


A gastric snakebite, if you will, compounding Leffe and Hoegaarden with this abomination received for Christmas

I can drink masses of whisky if I stick to just the one and don’t dick about with other stuff.

However Irish whiskey - not only hangover from hell, but I go full on turbo-twatmode: depressed, maudlin, fighty, paranoid, psychotic, stabby, suicidal… Absolute fucking nightmare - used to love the stuff but it’s been banned chez moi for years.

Just a drop of Thirsty Earth Tempranillo tonight though.

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Caning a couple (?) of 4.2% home brews.

Which is why I’ve been banned from drinking ouzo.

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I find it intriguing that many people have a very particular spirit that has that effect on them.

I have yet to find one…

I have yet to find one that doesn’t.

A couple of any spirit just seems to slay me.

I get a bit maudlin on Bols Advocaat :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Ocado just delivered


it would be rude not to have a sip

Sun’s over the yardarm, so, I’ll join you, if I may ?

G&Ts made with this…


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I think that’s called “being an alkie”…

I think you’re confusing “maudlin” with “horror and disgust”…

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Bugger ! I always get those mixed up :persevere:

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