Yet another thread for the purposes of awarding a cockpunch

Why don’t all the rich cunts who want it fucking well pay for it. Bloody obvious if you ask me.

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Try unplugging your router. It resets the exchange.

Not a rare visitor to this thread - fucking taxdodging messiah-complex talent-vacuum Bono once again uses his mouth to shit from:

Giving cunts a bad name ever since his mam had sex with a damp paper bag some time in the late 1940s…


The thing is, his point is valid in that there’s not enough anger in music nowadays - it used to be a medium for expression of youth dissatisfaction, now it’s a way for mostly rich kids to get richer. Kids today are too comfortable. But he expresses it just so badly…

Thing is, there almost certainly is - just in genres and subcultures that urine-soaked old tossers like him and us are unaware of.

It is also possible that much of the rest of youth culture has recognised the utter UTTER futility of Angry Art - which being, all sound and fury - signifying nothing…

Anger may well be “an energy”, but that energy needs directing into channels where it can actually achieve something.

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I shall pass on your comments to Donna Wifey :rofl:

Wot, like the abolition of Christmas? :wink:


True, maybe the issue is that the music dissemination establishment promotes the happy clappy shite, preventing the breakthrough of the energetic anger into the mainstream.

Punk is a decent example of this. While shouting ‘Fuck Off’ at all and sundry in 1976 and 1977 was a bit of relief, it really took another couple of years for new music of genuine artistic merit to emerge. Sad that this all happened 40-odd years ago, we could do with something similar now to relieve the beige…

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I fucking wish!

I don’t think the ongoing decline of educational standards, nor the intense sense of political disenfranchisement are accidental things, so I’ve no doubt you’re right about entertainment - bread’n’circuses’n’all-that…

Point missed - punk is the prime example of a futile gesture - sure it perfectly reflected the culture it emerged in, and was truly iconoclastic (way more than the shit that followed), but it achieved absolutely nothing except provide a safe, futile conduit for the anger and frustration of the youth of the time - us, amazingly - and helped make bloatocratic cunts like Richard Branson rich…

Not sure where to go with that as it is difficult to see what any form/genre achieved other than to make the carpet baggers rich. The hippies certainly didn’t stop the war did they? The point I was, ineptly admittedly, trying to make was that the punks screaming in anger didn’t do much at all (Neither did e.g. disco for that matter if we are pointing the finger). However, I would argue that the energy in punk did give rise to the independent (NOT indie) movement of the late 1970’s and 1980’s which produced some magnificent, innovative and very diverse art, and a fair bit of social commentary (e.g. think Two Tone here not Bile Bragg), both of which would be useful now (although Gawd save us from Red Wedge V2.0)

Will that be me. Getting a slap at the next gathering then?



The answer is venting your spleen on a hifi forum. In the future all protest will find a voice amongst threads about food binges and foo capacitors.

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Bring one of those Border Tarts and I’ll protect you :grin:

Bonio subtly pimping his son’s band.

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Underfloor heating can have a prize one, stupidly the GF’s son managed to switch it off on one of the coldest nights of the year, resulting in an overnight temperature drop to 15C.

It’s taken over 24 hrs but the hall temperature has still not passed 19C, despite it running non-stop…

Who would have thought that having to heat tons of concrete would result in a quick and flexible solution? :rage:

21 posts were merged into an existing topic: Smart Home shenanigans

So much this. Sure, you can still find a good ole fashioned rock based band with something to say but given that most on here found Oasis to be “shite” ( not my view BTW) even at their height, i think it is safe to say that most on here have outgrown youth culture by a considerable margin :slight_smile:

Personally i blame fucking ecstasy, bloody loved up drug of choice for the nineties!

As for other genres, it doesn’t take much of a look into say HipHop and its derivatives to find angry young voices.

Over here, grime doesn’t always go together with Barry Scott :slight_smile:

Here are are few more to check out. List of music genres and styles - Wikipedia

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The book of faeces has lived up to its moniker, today I got an ad for colostomy supplies…