Yet another thread for the purposes of awarding a cockpunch


Ahhh, bless!

Masaru Ibuka, the man behind the Sony Walkman, can have one, even though he’s shuffled off. The Walkman and its demon spawn the ipod/pad/etc etc. have destroyed any chance of having a kip on the train.
TSST tss tss TSST tss tss TSST tss tss etc ad nauseam.
Burn all portable music players that don’t have sealed headphones.

The arsemustards who decided to turn Birmingham New Street into some sort of psychotic hamster maze can have one.

Red lounge, blue lounge, COCKPUNCH LOUNGE.


There’s the problem. It’s not the device it’s the fecking ear things. Especially fecking Apple’s ones.

I just turned mine up, much to my fellow 1st class passengers annoyance

Yet another cockpunch who just can`t seem to get a simple order for specs right , unfortunately my wife is too sweet to kick up a fuss , i am furious , she has had multiple visits to the branch over several weeks . pretty incompetent

36437967_1581496601977820_4457202276787814400_n by , on Flickr


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amended :grinning:

Could they be trying to tell you something Phil ?


Really necessary or just look at me, I am so …

I think we know the answer.


Indeed, when you think cheating the parliamentary voting system is pretty low, suddenly it’s eclipsed by revelations concerning the deployment of child spies.


Classic casual brag here. We’re impressed.


ha love it …

oh my gosh… i will never moan about parking in the road again!!! thats dreadful

The fucking Post Office. I packed up a phone for delivery, well packed in bubble wrap and jiffy bag. I put it on the scales,
PO.:What’s in the package?
Me: A phone.
PO: Is it in a box?
Me: No it’s in bubble wrap and a jiffy bag.
PO: It needs to be surrounded by cardboard.
Me: WTF?
PO: It might burst into flames!!
Me: So it needs to be wrapped in that well known fire retarder, cardboard?
PO: Them’s the rules!!

FFS!!! :rage:


You sound a bit stressed out. Perhaps a holiday might soothe your nerves.


Just take it back and tell them it’s a pair of socks. Or whatever else would pass. Or that it is a phone wrapped on cardboard.

I appreciate going back is a nause.

I lie to them now if i’m posting a phone,the last 2 were stolen