Yet another thread for the purposes of awarding a cockpunch

Cockpunch to stupid cunts who apply for a job and can’t be arsed to check their form for basic spelling and grammar, don’t read the guidance on the content that is required and generally come across as useless, unemployable tossers.

Today, I sifted application forms. The overall quality was so unbelievably shit that I wanted to shred the fucking lot of them.

One of the applicants had had previous employment as a ‘customer retenion manger’. I shit you not.

For fuck’s sake - spellcheck. Get a friend to read your form.

Most of these fuckers had degrees.


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Paul Dacre (again)

PWC “We’ll make a crisis out of a drama”

Make sure you spell your name out phonetically - Bravo, Oscar, Bravo ! :grinning:


Did they hand the prize out to the right winner?

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HMRC can have a hefty uppercut to the genitalia - paid my VAT for the last quarter, then got a reminder for the amount on the return a couple of weeks later.
Called them and the tax drone said:
“yes, I can see the payment on your account” so i said:
“can you please reconcile that so that I don’t get any further letters”
“Of course sir, I’ll make sure you don’t”

Guess what arrived in the post this morning?..cunts :rage:


I have lost the will to live, two days of this shit to go. .


ask them if they have any experience at officiating at awards ceremonies…

Yeah if they pass you an envelope I think you’re quite within your rights to ask if it’s the right one :grin:

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Ask cheerful and polite and helpful questions, talk to them at the breaks. That’s what they are looking for.

you could tell them that the envelope containing the instruction to attend the course was not intended for you, and that you really needn’t attend and then you could just walk out.


Ask them if they like Shakti Stones

These are educated high functioning individuals who apply reason to their work - they’re not that fucking gullible :joy:

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Fucking wank stained ‘fancy’ dress parties.

Words cannot begin to express my deep displeasure at these fucking things.

This one is different. This one is to celebrate a 40th birthday of someone who should really know better…what with being 40 and all.

Fancy dress parties are wank EVERYONE knows it, apart from the terminally dull, who organise them. These are the same cretins that approach you and tell you to be happy and stop being miserable.

No… they are unacceptable.

i) they force people to buy shit they will never ever wear again from shit websites.
ii) fire hazard (see above)
iii) forced zany-ness
iiii) show offs
iv) embarrassing half costumes that the wearer thinks fabulous
v) karaoke kunts
vi) Rocky horror show wankers

If Donald T is going to push the button, anytime between now and 7pm tomorrow night is fine by me.

Ps… it is a 70’s theme. Fucking total lack of imagination there also.

Double wank.


Pics needed


Fuck that. I’m getting a tee shirt printed saying happy birthday with her name in 70’s font. Maybe shave my beard to give handlebar 'tash and that is your fucking lot.

Go as either Jimmy Saville or Gary Glitter :thumbsup:

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So you’re going as a plumber then…

don’t forget the bucket :+1:

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are they serving 70s themed food as well?

We don’t all dress like the ‘tradesmen’ on your 70’s grumble-flick vids… :slight_smile:


See that there is it exactly. Everything distilled in one picture.