YouTube music ramblings

Have always loved the Lo Borges version


Seems very timely to me

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Reposted from another thread. But the message still needs to be re-heared in music

A great recent example of the saxophone in rock music…

I got a 10 bob for Xmas 1968 so I bought this single. I took it my grandparents when we visited over the holidays. I got a clip round the ear from my gramps for playing it too many times on his gramaphone.

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If the doors had sex with rick wakeman version…

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If you know Blood on the Tracks (and if not, why not?) then you’ll love or hate this.

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One of my favourite albums. Only listened to the first 2 tracks, but I can safely say I love it.

More laid back than the studio album, but those songs are so good I could listen to any versions he may have recorded.

Idiot Wind should be the theme tune to the Brexit negotiation fiasco.

Mine too. The tapes surfaced in the mid 80s. I’ve had a crusty cassette for years when we used to trade tapes of boots using the classifieds. Then the internet changed all that and made it much easier. I have about 600 Dylan boots on CD. I’ve stopped collecting concert boots, preferring out takes and rehearsal stuff now.

Agree about Idiot Wind. It manages to be simultaneously one of the bitterest, saddest, loneliest and heart breaking songs ever. It makes perfect sense once you realise he’s singing both parts in the song. The version of it on the New York Sessions speaks of complete rejection. It’s truly heart rending.

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