3rd annual Sou'wester 14_16 June 2019 it's BACK ON AT LOPWELL

Guy ,is anyone living in the house next to the dam now ?

Coming down the river from above the dam it looked like there were, The gardens there were very well kept with chairs etc out near the water. I don’t know what the deal is with that house & the other one opposite the barn or even the row of houses just downstream. I presume they are all let rather than being privately owned but I don’t know who the overall owner is.They’re a separate thing to the privately owned expensive flats at Maristow just down river.

It’s from here:-
Sam and Sodders introduced me to the epicurean delight when they were living in the town.


Years ago , whoever was in the property would complain and threaten with reporting you for going into the water above the dam. Wondered what the rules were now. As you say it’s beautiful and unspoilt, lovely to explore.

I gather there’s some old ex lawyer or judge type who owns a house up by Denham bridge & who shouts at kayakers who go past there. But they all seem to get out just below the bridge so no one seems to go on that last stretch down to the dam. We didn’t see any signs saying don’t paddle up there & I might’ve ignored them anyway. We weren’t doing any harm.

I suspect the lawyer guy is objecting more to the gathered cars & general noise of kayakers getting out, loading those cars up & driving off.

I believe the ex lawyer is the very same that represented Fergie in her divorce from Prince Andrew and he also gets a lot of people knocking on his door asking to use his phone after they’ve burnt their clutches out and the like on the hill outside his front door.

I’m sure there used to be signs at Lopwell saying no watercraft above the dam. Was just curious as it is lovely

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I was trying to lead the old Austin (pictured above) round to Morwellham & did think of taking him on the shorter route via Denham bridge but decided there was no way he’d be getting up that hill so took him the much longer way round via Tavi at mostly 20-25mph. I can’t get over someone setting off in a car like that for a day out seemingly without a map or satnav. The fact he’d turned up at Lopwell indicated how clueless he was. @stu realised it fairly early on & did offer a swap for the Astra “Mk5” but he wasn’t tempted enough.


Could be said of all the attendees :rofl:


A year or so ago ( around the time of the bake-off / meat debauchery ) we drove to lopwell , got to the barn and stopped . I showed Terri where it was. A new Merc stopped behind me so I moved towards the dam thinking they wanted to get into the cottage near the barn. As it was low tide I drove across and up through the woods to the top , turned around and drove back down. To be greeted by this part of the way up the path.
They were over from Ireland on holiday , and when they saw me go over the dam just assumed that was the road. :joy:


I should’ve directed the Austin over that way, told him it was the only way to Morwellham. Certainly the quickest if he’d had a Range Rover or G Wagon. :grinning:



Was this what you bought Guy?

Yes. I have 2 bags for you (5Kg). Just need to figure out how to get them to you. Cheapest courier service I can see is £5.40 Otherwise maybe via the abattoir taxi?

That goes for anyone else who wanted 5Kg. I think we had 9 takers originally.

If those that took their flour want to paypal me £6.50 that’d be great. PM me for the PP address.

Is that 5kg total Guy? Either way courier would be great. Could you PM me total cost and Paypal address please.

Yes 5Kg total. Will send pm.

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Thanks Guy.

I have a few bags, not sure whose. Hand delivery will be better if you don’t want to risk a hidden timepiece. :+1:


I put my name down and forgot too :man_facepalming:

If @J_B doesn’t mind me picking it up from his we could split the courier costs if its going to be cheaper to send combined rather than two deliveries?

Like the toys you used to get in cereal boxes as a kid… only much worse

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Does that mean you have flour, leftover?
I will take some, if the AA taxi is running from you, in a northerly direction, ie, Cambridge.

There were a few 4x4 on Saturday